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Thursday, October 26, 2017

Trump calls Russian uranium deal 'Watergate modern age'

President Donald Trump said Wednesday that an Obama-era uranium deal that Hillary Clinton had a hand in approving is the biggest political scandal in modern history.

'Well I think the uranium sale to Russia, and the way it was done, so underhanded with tremendous amounts of money being passed, I actually think that's Watergate modern age,' Trump told reporters as he prepared to board Marine One.

Watergate brought down Richard Nixon's presidency. The Republican leader resigned in disgrace before his second term in office was over.

Clinton was secretary of state to Democrat Barack Obama when the uranium deal went through that Trump was referring to. She sat on the federal committee that provided authorization.

Three committees with investigatory power have said in the last week that they are probing the sale along with claims that it came alongside a kickback to the Clinton Foundation. Hillary Clinton has called the charge 'baloney.'



  1. Yep. Can’t think of anything more important for Congress to accomplish than more hearings about Hillary Clinton. She’s so relevant now.

  2. Far MORE than Watergate and should be TOP PRIORITY !!!

    America's Largest Scandal ever !!! WAKE UP AMERICA !!!!
    Clintons / Obama / Lynch / Clinton Foundation
    Giving (Selling) Uranium to our Enemy Russia Quid Pro Quo !
    Election Tampering ,trying to Keep Trump from Winning
    Trying to set Trump up and defame & destroy him & Republicans from Power
    Hillary & Bill took other $$$ too from Saudi's & others
    So many Laws broken that they should all get Life in Prison !

    and Don't let it be Brushed Under the Rug America !!!!

  3. Obama. Clinton. Treason. Rosenbergs. Giterdone.

  4. Wait until the truth comes out about all the unaccountable CASH Obama sent to Iran. There is no way to rule out that Kerry and Obama didn't take a cut out of the cash. Hillary only spent a lousy $9 million and look how well that was kept a secret.

  5. Question is > what else did Clinton & Obama sell & get $$$
    for ??? and Lynch Cover for ? and Comey ??

  6. Worst case of TRAITORS since the Rosenbergs who sold Our
    Atomic Bomb plans & info to Russia >> Hands Down !!!

  7. Remember when obammy told that out going president Medelev or something he would have more flexibility after his last election?

    It wasn't just obammy that was corrupt, it was his ENTIRE admin.

  8. https://youtu.be/0mgQaFlo_p8

    Video of obammy talking to Medvedev on a hot mic about him having more flexibility after the election.

  9. This is larger than the issues of Watergate.

  10. Bring Back the ELECTRIC CHAIR !!!


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