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Thursday, October 12, 2017

Trump and Mattis refute NBC nuke report, blast 'disgusting' press

President Trump and Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis on Wednesday publicly refuted an NBC News report that claimed the commander-in-chief wanted to drastically increase the U.S. nuclear arsenal, with Trump calling the press "disgusting." 

On the sidelines of a meeting in the Oval Office with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Trump slammed the NBC report that said he sought a “nearly tenfold increase” in the nuclear arsenal during a summer meeting.

“Frankly, it’s disgusting the press is able to write whatever it wants to write and people should look into it,” Trump told reporters. “I never discussed increasing [the nuclear arsenal]. That is fake news by NBC, which gives a lot of fake news recently.”

Trump added that he only wants “modernization” and “rehabilitation” of the stockpile.

“It’s got to be in tip-top shape,” Trump said. “I know the capability we have, and it is awesome. It is massive.”

Trump continued to slam the press for allegedly making up sources. “There are no sources,” he claimed.

Mattis issued a brief statement shortly afterward saying: "Recent reports that the President called for an increase in the U.S. nuclear arsenal are absolutely false. This kind of erroneous reporting is irresponsible."


1 comment:

  1. The most hated company in the country is Comcast, who owns NBC.


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