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Friday, October 06, 2017

Tip of an Iceberg Glimpsed in South Florida

Where you have massive government spending, you have massive fraud. Welfare is the last place to look for an exception to this rule. Like the one in a thousand cockroach that ventures out from inside the wall in the daytime and gets stepped on, some welfare grifters actually get caught. A recent crackdown in South Florida involved over $13 million in fraudulent food-stamp transactions:

The 12 charged over four cases are Hasan Saleh, 59, Mohammed Alobaisi, 37, Reynold Francois, 38, Ihab Hassouna, 44, Mohammad Alteen, 33, Maria Jerdana, 36, Joe Ann Baker, 56, Yousef “Joe” Homedan Zahran, 60, Omar Hajje, 43, Jalal Hajyousef, 42, Andy Javier Herrera, 24, and father Javier Herrera, 49.

At least no one can accuse them of not being diverse. One even has an Anglo-American name.

“In this instance, eight small convenience stores in South Florida committed a staggering amount of fraud in a relatively short amount of time,” said Karen Citizen-Wilcox, special agent in charge, U.S. Department of Agriculture-Office of the Inspector General, in a release.



  1. Just hard working citizens making a better life and paying taxes. Neighbor and friends.

  2. Love those non American names under arrest


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