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Sunday, October 22, 2017

This Just In From Royal Farms

I just wanted to thank you again for posting the info I sent to you. I just received a very pleasant call from corporate and was advised that their CEO is monitoring this closely. They will also be issuing a statement ( I believe directly to your blog ) about this situation. Please let me know when this is done. Again, thank you so much for posting what I sent you.
A Comment From Royal Farms:

Thank you for sharing your feedback and pictures. We are so sorry to see that this location is not up to our hygienic standard. Our team is actively working to ensure that this issue is corrected and that issues like this do not arise in the future. Your collective feedback is helping us to re-coach our store's staff to ensure that every ounce of our customer's experience is a pleasant one. Please know that we do not take your comments lightly, and that we hope to ensure your trust by serving you again.


  1. On another note the Royal Farms on the way to Chincoteague across from Wallops has the best fried chicken.

  2. Need to get the staff up to Laurel for re-training

  3. You can also thank me I sent them a email also.

  4. Unless they fired all the staff and started over ...I don't believe this will change for the better and if it does..it will not stay that way.

  5. Re-coach ? I love these corporate terms. Why not have them clean the bathroom when they apply for the job ? They could save a lot of money and water just putting Porto Potts outside.

    1. Why don't you clean the bathrooms?

  6. This is an excellent response from Royal Farm - I commend them.
    I am a loyal customer and love their chicken.
    I enjoy RF as well as Wawa for coffee.

  7. Which Royal Farms is this?

  8. I've spoken to their customer service department in past. They are no better than this store. Didn't seem to care about my concerns for problems I was having with this store. I am certain that when the heat is off of them, it will be business as usual.

    1. Stand infront of the store with a sign in protest.

  9. Post some pictures of the Nasty Wawa's and the hobo's from the group homes that hang around the Wawa on South Salisbury Blvd. The coffee counters are nasty, the bathrooms are nasty and the group home hobos are always out front blocking the sidewalks and begging for money.

  10. Well if the Shore was not over run with senior citizens and obese peoples with no bladder control this would be a nonissue. Why would anyone want or need to use their bathroom ? REGULARITY people. Do your business before your leave home or stay home or get some Depends. Really you relieve yourself in convenience stores ? Take a squat by the dumpster as you knaw on the filthy chicken.

    1. That was annoying. First you will be old one day unless of course you keep spouting off the way you do. Second I believe it is the responsibility of the restroom user to consider others when using the facilities. I do hope your homes are not like that.

  11. The hiring standards are a problem. The majority of the people working there look like they live in filth so naturally they will maintain the store the same way. The store is beyond dirty and probably needs a visit from the Health Dept. Packaged goods only.

  12. This is a great way for a company to acknowledge and announce corrective action in response to a huge embarrassment. If they were a democratic political candidate, the blame would be placed on the slobs who use the bathrooms.
    I've never used their restroom, but the rest of the store is clean and their employees are always friendly.

  13. Talking points unless they are followed up! Great Reply though!

  14. Let's All Get To The POINT. Why Do People Act Like Pigs In Bathrooms !!!??????????

  15. Year after Year one of the nicest and cleanest fast food locations in Salisbury is McDonalds on Nanticoke Road. And the staff is friendly.

  16. The one by the court house is nasty. Went on my lunch break one day. The employees were outside on a smoke break. The one employee came in, did not wash his hands, put on gloves and proceeded to fix my food. When i told the cashier i wanted a refund, in a nasty tone he asked me why. I proceeded to tell him nice, respectfully and loudly in front of the other customers why. Eel

  17. Shooting at Royal Farms, and people are worried about the condition of the public restrooms. Go figure. Hold it until you get home.


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