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Sunday, October 01, 2017

This Flag Is You


  1. You people cannot be this dense. We all hear you loud and clear about your stance on the flag. This is America dude. Not everyone has to follow your near religious reverence for the flag. Lack of the same beliefs as you does not make someone non-American. You have your views, others have theres, and no one should be compelled by force to follow along with the others views.

    My dad was a marine corp vet who fought in Vietnam. He was back home when the US announced the full pull out from the theater. In anger he burned his uniform. Till the day he died, he was still a proud Marine who did more to serve his community and country than most of the keyboard tough guys here. According to your definition, he should have been exiled. LOL

    1. Seriously your lack of comprehension is astounding 6:42!

    2. 6:42 It's a small thing called respect. Something that today's world doesn't have. You are a perfect example.
      My father was also a Marine. Something he was very proud of. He would have been disgusted by all of this and by you.

    3. 642 you are correct. I stand for the flag but I'm FORCED TO PAY for stadiums and salarys of players through my TAX Dollars. It is NOT FAIR to me and my family. Certainly the money could be spent towards COMPLETE cost of VIETNAM VETS FUNERAL and not toward 100 million dollar contracts to players or Billionaire owners. If I DONT PAY I'll go to jail. I will NEVER spend a dollar towards football again.

  2. God will Punish the Democrats at end of times which is already Here.

  3. 6:42 talk about a keyboard. Lol

  4. The problem is what we are dealing with. They respect nothing good but idolize all that is bad and evil such as obama, trayvon, brown, gray and "music" that glorifies thug life.
    They value nothing of importance like honesty and life and even children.
    They take care of nothing. They have no sense of personal responsibility.,
    What I found most upsetting was the President calling them SOB's. That is an insult to female dogs who raise their young better then most of them.

  5. 6:42 the problem is their supposed "outrage" is not real. Police shooting unarmed blacks for no reason is false. This is not happening. Now I know blacks have issues when it comes to being truthful and that is one of their many difficulties but they are still on the hands up nonsense. This was the false michael brown narrative still being repeated. Blacks can never be taken seriously until they stop with all that lying they get to doing constantly. The lying they do does make them inferior because it's not only immoral it's uncivilized which makes them below the good decent people.

  6. 7:40 and 7:50 your blatant generalization of "blacks" speaks volumes of your morals and character. All black people lie, black people are inferior? And people are commenting about 6:42's lack of comprehension. When's the last time any of you left the shore?

  7. "This Flag is You", Amen, and I've very tired of it getting disrespected.

  8. I don't think I have ever seen such dumb *** ignorant people, doing the most ignorant crap. It just keeps getting worse. Some of these people are getting dumber and dumber every day. I can only shake my head in disbelief.

  9. At least we all know Trump is willing and able to defend our flag!

  10. Don't like the flag or what it stands for? Try living under another one.

  11. Haters Go Back to Africa and see how you like it there !!!

  12. Our Heroes Raised this Flag to PROTECT AND S A V E YOU !!
    They Suffered and Died on the World's Worst Battlefields ...

  13. 10:14 - you said it perfectly. Disrespect our flag - find another. America doesn't want you.

  14. I agree, except for Lincoln. He killed hundreds of thousands of Americans fighting his civil war (on both sides).

  15. The sad thing is both sides are as corrupt and deceitful as the other. Have you all not realized yet that ALL this turmoil is created to keep everyones attention off the real travesties being committed in this country by this country. We all are mere puppets in this game, none of us matter to any of the so called leaders. The leaders that organize against our government, and the ones that organize for our government. Its called GREED and the bottom line is to keep getting the naive gullible american sucker to keep footing the bill for their cause

  16. "his civil war" was about one thing, and that was preserving the Republic.


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