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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Thanks to the Clinton/DNC revelation about the 'Trump dossier,' Robert Mueller can stop investigating Trump

In a court of law when it is discovered that evidence has been contaminated or a witness is lying, that evidence is thrown out and a jury is instructed to ignore the witness testimony.

As new bombshell revelations prove the infamous “Trump dossier” was bought-and-paid-for by Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee, the document that launched the Russian collusion investigation against President Trump must accordingly be thrown out.

In light of the newest charge that the DNC and the Clinton campaign may have broken a dozen federal election laws with the document, special counsel Robert Mueller has no choice but to dismiss the Trump investigation.

To fully understand how the partisan hit piece fueled Mueller's Russian investigation, one must remember how it all began..

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  1. Now he can go after the Real Criminals > Clintons / DNC !!

    Enough Witch Hunting for Trump !!! Who is Innocent !!!!!

  2. KARMA for Clintons DNC Lynch Obama Comey Oh Well !!

  3. That failed bitty sure has cost the Americans some large. And stole the rest.


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