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Friday, October 27, 2017

Thank God Its Friday 10-27-17

What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. Enjoying fall and also enjoying watching the democrats squirm over the dossier issue; Hillary calling it baloney, the DNC claiming they had nothing to do with it, Debbie Wasserman Schultz saying "say what"...also the uranium one debacle. Gotcha....MAGA!

  2. Just finished a nice crisp walk on the boardwalk with my apple cider rum in hand! NEVER too early to enjoy TGIF - YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    HH in a few hours!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Setting up cookies and pizza at chief Duncan's house for potential buyers.

  4. Cracken the Cold Ones !! Soo Good ! Soo Cold ! Soo Many !

  5. Getting ready for duck season!

  6. Attending big bingo in Delmar 9-9:00 pm

  7. Cookout and party Saturday night with bonfire.
    Good time with friends and family.
    Might get drunk!

  8. Tried a second Chinese place in Pecan Square and they too serve the horrible nacho string chips with your soup instead of the real deal. Where can you get a decent chinese take out around her. The one in Delmar is selling the same string chips. Anyone?

  9. This past week I was heading up Camden Avenue (The end near downtown which is one way) and everyone came to a slow crawl because someone had parked their black car the wrong way and there it sat. Windows all blacked out and motor running. What is going on in this city.


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