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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Texas Tech University police officer shot and killed after suspect pulls gun during questioning

A Texas Tech campus police officer was fatally shot in the university's police station after detaining an individual in a drug arrest.

Police officers went to a university dorm room for a student welfare check and found drugs and drug paraphenalia in the room, according to a university statement. The campus police then took the suspect to the police station for questioning.



  1. Execute that College Snow Flake immediately to send a message to the radicals on the College Campus..... put the execution on TV for all to watch!!!

  2. Very sad. NFL and mainstream media are to blame. Hopefully he will get lethal injection.

  3. Whatever happened to pat down a suspect before taking them in. As a former police officer, you can pat down anyone you are even talking too. It is for your protection to make sure they don't have a weapon on their person.

  4. Police went to the room for a welfare check? Lol. B.S. That's an obvious lie! This cop seemingly fell victim to the pressures of natural selection while he was committing the crimes of harassment, kidnapping, false imprisonment, theft and extortion. Kudos to the student for defending himself.


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