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Thursday, October 05, 2017

Taking Back Our Community

Salisbury, MD - The opioid crisis has touched the lives of many in our community. Wicomico County officials will host a community opioid forum, “Taking Back Our Community,” to share with residents what is being done about the opioid crisis in Wicomico County. Community members will be given the opportunity to share what they feel needs to be done.

The forum will take place on October 19, 2017 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Midway Room of the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center, 500 Glen Ave., Salisbury, MD.

Panel participants include County Executive Bob Culver, Health Officer Lori Brewster, Acting State’s Attorney Ella Disharoon, and Sheriff Mike Lewis.

The public is encouraged to be part of the solution to the opioid situation in Wicomico County by participating in this forum.


  1. "acting" States Attorney? I thought when Matt was elevated to a judge, she was appointed THE State's Attorney. Yes, she is not running for election as required but I don't think she is "acting" I think she is the current SA.

  2. First of all, maybe the taxpayers should spend less on Mike Lewis's vehicles, signs all over the building, and fancy dinners he goes out too. How about taking some of that money that he is using for head inflation and put it back into fighting addiction? Mikey's little state police barracks is doing nothing to fight addiction and doing everything to pull people over for minor violations with the hopes of getting some drugs. Put some marked police cars back on the street, get the unmarked, citizen stalkers off the street. Let some air out of your head Mikey.

    1. And maybe some caloric restriction and an exercise program

  3. Please tell me what the government can do about opioids addiction besides throw money at it. How about the doctors stop just handing out prescriptions so easily and people get some personal responsibility

  4. Why should Barbs come to this.......??????? Remember there is no crime in the city according to Jake. Days are numbered Jake.....

  5. how about cracking down on the real pushers? the drug companies!

  6. How about we start locking up the addicts as well as the dealers! The addicts are still committing crimes, but because they made a bad choice, they walk away scott free to commit the same crime again and again! Possession of drugs, possession of drug paraphernalia. Right now the addicts are not facing ANY CONSEQUENCES! How is that right? Crime = consequence! Most criminals say they made a bad decision or choice - so why should they be punished but not the addicts!!!!

  7. Why isn't PRMC involved in this forum? Why isn.t Wicomico County Medical Society involved?

  8. It's the cops job to catch these guys not the citizen.
    PLEASE TAKE THIS WARNING!!! The dealers will be at this meeting and if you make a fuss they will punish you for it. The dealers burned down a pizza shop and a car of two different people who spoke up at the Crisfield meeting. Local police should have learned their lesson after that but they are putting YOU in the firing line again. The police and politicians should be telling us what they are going to do to fix this problem, not asking us what the problem is. If I were you I would just email the police your suggestions because attending this will make you a target.


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