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Thursday, October 05, 2017

Swiss Parliament Votes to Ban Foreign-Funded Mosques and Arabic Preaching

Switzerland’s legislature has voted to ban the foreign funding of mosques, including from Saudi Arabia, as well as to force mosques to use local languages instead of Arabic or other foreign tongues.

The Swiss National Council, the parliament’s lower house, voted by a narrow majority to ban the financing of mosques from abroad and for generally increasing the transparency of how mosques are funded.

If the law passes the Senate, individual mosques will need to declare who they are backed by as well as preach in one of Switzerland’s official languages, namely German, French, Italian, or Romansch, Neue Zuercher Zeitung reports.

The vote took place on Tuesday, and according to the Federal Assembly’s website, 94 members of the parliament voted in favour, and 89 voted against.



  1. Gotta love the Swiss.

  2. About time! We need to do the same here!

  3. Muslims do not abide by any nations laws. They only believe in Sharia law and all other laws are irrelevant.


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