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Friday, October 27, 2017

Students: Halloween has “been killed by the Left”

Students at Saint Mary’s College in Indiana were warned of the danger of Halloween, that is, cultural appropriation, in an all-student email sent on October 24 by a staff assistant in the political science, sociology, and justice education departments.

“Halloween, which originated with people dressed in costume to ward off evil spirits, has morphed into a day that celebrates all kinds of creative self-expression,” the email begins. “It means not only do people dress up as witches and monsters, but also as one another. This is where things get complicated, and why you keep hearing the term ‘cultural appropriation’ in the news.”

The email goes on to explain that due to the rampant cultural appropriation that surrounds Halloween, St. Mary’s is holding a seminar to educate their adult students on how to observe Halloween in a respectable way.

According to the Young America’s Foundation, bold student activists at Saint Mary’s are ready to push back against the left’s attack on Halloween festivities.



  1. I always go as a Nazi or SS officer, I am doing the Clinton family.

  2. I'll bet not one of those teachers knows about All Saints Day on Nov. 1 and how it relates to Halloween.

  3. The left takes the fun out of life.

  4. We learned about All Saints Day along with Halloween when we were in elementary in the 1950s. But back then, adults did not participate in dressing up, just the kids.

  5. Culturally appropriate this!

  6. This time next year the left will be trying to shame anyone who displays Christmas decorations outside their houses and the purchasing of Christmas cards and trees.

  7. It takes a highly educated and committed adult to totally warp a child's game.
    Please take your heightened sense of social inequality and jump off a tall building.
    Halloween is fun.

    Liberals can't stand to see people having any of it.

    Keep cheering.

  8. i wish they would kill christmas, what a b.s. manufactured holiday.

  9. America has been KILLED by the Left !!

  10. Mike Lewis dresses up like a cop every day.


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