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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

State Explains Delay In Clinton Emails

A federal judge ordered the Department of State on Thursday to explain their delayed pace in producing emails former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stored on a private server.

A hearing was held to check in on the State Department’s progress in processing and releasing 72,000 pages of non-government emails that Clinton failed to disclose during her tenure as Secretary of State and later tried to delete.

The State Department was ordered to turn over no less than 500 pages of emails per month to Judicial Watch in response to a 2016 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. They have thus far processed 32,000 pages and released a small fraction of those. If they continue at this pace they will not fulfill the request until 2020 at the earliest, according to Judicial Watch.



  1. Who is paying for all of this? The taxpayer? Why?

  2. 3:56 because just like the Obama's birth certificate thing, idiots can't let anything go.

  3. A custom computer script could have done that task thousands of times over by now.

  4. Enough with the futzing around. Get it done, already!


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