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Friday, October 27, 2017

Snowflakes Schedule To Scream Helplessly At Sky On Trump’s Election Anniversary- A Day Of Protest

In an effort to appease, well, themselves, liberals are gathering together on the day of the election to help vent out their feelings about President Donald Trump. As you may have already known, this year has not been easy on liberals, and it is mostly due to their unwillingness to take a big gulp of reality. What they don’t realize is just how ridiculous and childish they are – which only helps Trump.

The Facebook invite has gone out, and hosts Julia Helene and Johanna Schulman are inviting everyone in Boston to head on over to the Boston Common to shout out their anger to the sky over the lost election of 2016…That’s right. That thing that happened a year ago.

leftists are not good at letting go and moving on obviously.

The event on Facebook is called “Scream helplessly at the sky on the anniversary of the election.” Now I know what your thinking. Who would even waste their time screaming at the sky like a raving lunatic? Well surprise, surprise, there is already a large following of 4,400 people that have pledged to participate in the madness, and there is also 33,000 more interested in attending.

A description of the event went on as follows:

“Come express your anger at the current state of democracy, and scream helplessly at the sky!”


  1. Funny thing is, there are some who are going to actually do this.

  2. And then...after your rant...commit yourself to Bellevue.

  3. Haven't they been screaming for a year?


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