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Sunday, October 22, 2017

Sheriff Mike Lewis, Tough Guy Or Inspirational?

WBOC is slamming Sheriff Mike Lewis for his personal Facebook rant against the NFL protesters disrespecting Veterans and Law Enforcement Officers.

For me personally, here's a guy willing to put his name on the line and call these scumbags out for who and what they are in his own personal opinion. The LIBERAL news media is making every attempt to make Sheriff Lewis look bad, just like President Donald Trump.

Look, if there's ANYTHING the media should be going after in a matter like this is NOT because mike is against what these protesters are kneeling for, they should be going after Mike for being such an a-hole to his Deputies for NOT allowing them their First Amendment Rights to voice their own personal opinions on any on line topic. Do as I say, not as I do Lewis is a hypocrite, period. He needs to respect the fact that his Deputies are grown ups, not his little children. 
Nevertheless, Sheriff Mike Lewis is spot on with his Facebook message but unfortunately the Sheriff put his tail between his legs and took down his post. Someone needs to grow a pair and not take a knee himself. 


  1. Big personality but he does a lot of good for this community.

    1. Yeah. I’d like to hear that too.
      All I see is wee man syndrome.

  2. I'm not a big mike Lewis fan mainly because I was always on the other side doing dirt. He's a stand up guy and I support his NFL stand. In saying that why in the world would you think it would go well if he cut loose the reigns and let his department and its employees run wild. Mike lewis will accept and deal with any actions he does but I doubt very seriously he wants to answer for every moron in his department. Do you really believe "EVERY" deputy could be trusted to exploit WCSO while expressing vany and all views of today's society?? Doubtful, mike knows what he's doing and if it weren't for WCSO there would be TOTAL chaos in the area

    1. This county needs a change he is part of the S W A M P

    2. “Every moron in the department?” Do you really, seriously, believe that he is the guy making everyone of those arrests? Do you actually think that he, personally, handles every investigation and makes every traffic stop? Do you honestly believe that the success of his office is due to him solely, and not the work of his “morons?”

      Wow. Just plain wow.

    3. He already has one murder under his belt

    4. Jeff Heath is a fine example of WCSO MORON!! Tim Robinson is a fine example of MORON

    5. Jeff is an ok guy just a snitch and a kiss up. Robinson is a perfect idiot.

  3. He never met a camera he didn't like.....

  4. I can tell you 100 percent beyond ANY shadow of doubt if you are the POLICE you DO NOT have FIRST AMENDMENT. Lewis is different becomes he is ELECTED. POLICE are fired all the time for personal facebook post while off duty. IF some don't then they MUST BE politically connected.

  5. I'm not a fan but I support him on his Facebook post..and anybody that says it was racist is a racist.

  6. Wboc is usually old news and slants most stories against Republicans. Same old tired format.

  7. WHY does he dress like a street cop because EVERYONE on the job knows he is a burn out X Trooper MOST Sheriff's just wear civilian clothes but he stomps around playing Trooper GROW UP.

  8. Jay Pepper for Sheriff.

  9. Wait, wait, wait you think that a man who represents something bigger than himself SHOULD use his position to get his message across to a wider audience. Oh the irony.

  10. Fly fly away Mike move to Florida.

    1. No Florida doesn’t want him either.

  11. Aren't you all pissed at the NFL players for using their positions to push their ideas onto a larger audience. (By kneeling). Yet here you are saying that Sheriff Lewis should have "the balls" to do the same

  12. Mike should put on those pink panties I can't believe he took down his fb post what a P .Y

  13. The street cops hate him I wish someone would run against his A..

  14. I'm thinking that he got some phone calls from people who matter to him (politically) and decided that that Facebook post was not in his good interests.

  15. I completely agree with everything Mike Lewis said. I don't think he is a hypocrite at all. You cannot run an organization where everyone can say or do whatever they want. NO successful business/organization is that undisciplined.

    I would like to remind you that all law enforcement and first responders see the absolutely WORST of humanity and deal with situations you and I can't even imagine or would want to imagine. They are the soldiers who stand on the wire within this country to protect us from those who would do us harm. How many of us would want to do that? From babies beaten to death, women raped and burned and so much more. God Bless them for what they do.

    1. Don't forget the one he murdered

  16. I am the daughter of a police officer. I am disheartened by the NFL and the media and disenchanted by the division of our country. I was troubled by the sheriff's statement as it just furthers the "us v. them" dialog.
    That did nothing except make a greater divide and deepen the hatred toward our officers which ultimately gets them killed.
    Sometimes I wonder if the sheriff is more focused on his posts going viral than building bridges in his crime ridden community.
    No one is changing their position on this issue. Just hold your head up, do good and carry yourself with honor and respect and IN THE LONG TERM you will leave a legacy far greater than if you raise hell about how others behave. That said, I have great respect for Mike Lewis and all of the police officers who do their job with integrity. I think the sheriff may need a PR person. ;)

  17. Mike's not my favorite person, but I see nothing wrong with the post. I'm sure he got calls "suggesting" he remove it. The truth hurts, but the other side can use truth or lies to support their causes and beliefs. They can say or do whatever they want, with few consequences, to promote their causes or bring down their opponents. Just look at the news, they are still searching for evidence of Russian conspiracy on the conservatives, when the only evidence of any Russian involvement leads to Hillary and the left. Mike's only problem is he voices his opinion. He said nothing out if line, he stated facts. If you are opposed to what he said, fine, that's your right, but don't ask for his job. You do that by voting him out of his elected position. And there inlies the problem, those that oppose want immediate satisfaction, no matter the majority. If they don't get their way then they want to protest, throw temper tantrums and destroy property.

    1. Did u see him on fox during Ferguson.

  18. Wicomico County NAACP President Mary Ashanti says Lewis' comments are not representative of most local law enforcement. She says focusing on the post is wasting energy better spent on finding a new sheriff when Lewis is up for re-election.

    I would like to know why Mary thinks anything she says is a fact.
    I would like to know if Mary spoke to every law enforcement officer to see what their opinion is. How did Mary arrive at this conclusion?

    I think Mary's statement is representative of her race.

    1. Look at Mary's kids and grandkids. Wow! What a role model.

  19. "Anonymous said...

    Aren't you all pissed at the NFL players for using their positions to push their ideas onto a larger audience. (By kneeling). Yet here you are saying that Sheriff Lewis should have "the balls" to do the same

    October 18, 2017 at 8:42 AM"

    It's not about using a position. It's about an extreme hatred toward your country and that is what the players are doing. I don't think the players knew that not standing during the anthem meant (because they are the epitome of ignorance and most can hardly sting an understandable sentence together) at first but they do now. since they are continues to not stand they are proving they are haters who hate everything this country stands for. The worst is the President called the SOB's. That is an insult to dogs who raise their young better.

  20. I am a Republican but Mike you need to retire when you're own guys hate you other than the brown noses.

  21. You MORONS don’t get it! It has Zero to do with patriotism and everything to do with Inequality and how if you’re black in America you’re more likely to be shot and killed while interacting with law enforcement!

    1. Actually that's not a fact. Check your statistics.

    2. 9:14 your statement is ripe with bull$hit. There is no inequality. The black race holds itself back. No one else. Put the blame where it belongs.

    3. That is a false statement. There is no inequality to begin with. You have a culture that refuses to better themselves, by getting an education and a job. Everyone has the same opportunities, but one culture dies not take advantage of them, instead they play the victim. Because of that they will never achieve anything. Also if they would quit being an ass and be violent when interacting with the law they would be on there way home instead of to jail. And quit teaching their kids to be this way, that makes it a never ending cycle.

    4. 914 white People are shot at a higher number by police then black People. Look it up on the FBI statics. Your BRAIN might not be able to process it because it goes against EVERYTHING you have been taught. Maybe have someone read it to you..As a white person I drive in fear!! If your BLACK then you wouldn't understand. My skin is my sin

    5. True eastern shore racists. You have no idea about those players.

    6. 1:56 Typical black racist not holding your own culture accountable.

  22. Get over yourselves people Lewis isn't going anywhere until he's ready. Have to applaud the guy he actually had a plan and fulfilled his life's accomplishments. You people couldn't handle what law enforcement has to deal with on a daily basis.

  23. First off, since he was commenting on an issue that IS about race his remarks WILL sound racist.

    Second, the NFL players knew what they were doing when they decided to kneel during the anthem. They knew it would piss off so many people that their message would become a hot topic. Their claim that they are not trying to dishonor the flag, anthem and military is bullshit. They knew doing so would ruffle many feathers.

    Third, kneeling does absolutely nothing for their cause. I totally agree there are major issues as they claim but they are not helping with a solution. If they really wanted to help, they would spearhead a local organization (on their own time) to meet with citizens, political figures and police to open up conversation to unite for change.

    Fourth, if Sheriff Lewis was not in office, just imagine the magnitude of crime in the county. Be careful what you ask for when you say you want him out of office.

    1. The coaches,owners, and players met this week. Colin sat on the bench until a veteran friend told him it is more respectful to kneel. He wasn't disrespecting the flag or military. Home of the free means everyone treated fairly. Not shot by trigger happy cops in the back

    2. That is draped over EVERY deceased service member when their bodies return home. I personally had to witness 200 navy and marine corp veterans be transported from Beirut Lebanon in this fashion. Until you go through something like that or witness something like that you're not even qualified to comment. All you little cry baby pussies should be made to serve in military to witness first hand what actually goes on in the real world

  24. That's his Halloween costume. He's going as Mr. Myagi's nemesis in The Karate Kid.

  25. You all bitch and complain, this guy will receive pension from state, wicomico county then move on to Annapolis. Haters are going to hate!! Heard this the other day and is spot on followers need to be liked. Leaders don't give a damn. I'd say mike Lewis is a leader he could care less what you think

    1. You just proved our point Mike doesn't Give a Damn bc it's all about the $$$$ and not the street cops and certainly not the people.

    2. @11:28 you proved my point with your response. This man as a young man created a plan for his life and went out and made it happen. He's not crying inequality, playing victim he put in the work. People in today's society just like to hate every/anybody that is doing good and making a good life for themselves. If you think mike Lewis isn't 100% law enforcement go out and break the law around him. Does he go out and pursue a better life for himself and his family, I'm assuming so. Why is that such a crime to want the most out of life?

    3. Was part of his plan to have that murder on his record

    4. What murder would that be?

    5. 4:16 Don’t you mean break the law around him if your a regular citizen he will arrest you but if you happen to be, let’s say a buddy or a State’s attorney then he looks the other way

  26. Double dipping pension padder Limelight Lewis.

  27. I think he is a good Sheriff. He should stick to being WICOMICO COUNTY Sheriff and not act like he's running for higher office!

    1. That's the issue he wats it all.

  28. I support our Sheriff 100%. In this world you are damned if you DO and damned if you DON'T. At least he is fighting crime (Oh, you didn't know we had CRIME in Salisbury??) Fancy that.!!

  29. Mike how about doing some speed enforcement in our SMALL TOWNS like Hebron mardela springs nanticoke we the people would appreciate the services that we DONT get in our small towns

  30. It's rare that he is even in Wicomico county between his paid speaking/teaching engagements and constant attempts to get on TV.

  31. 11:26 Most of us on the Westside (rt.349) would rather not have any WCSO in out area. It was so nice that they did a DUI check point in Tyaskin over the summer NOT!

  32. I stand by OUR sheriff 100%.

  33. Napoleon wants to get back on FOX.

    1. They took his step stool away.

  34. Mike Lewis is just another crooked cop who is yet to get caught... But his time is coming!

  35. I agree with Mike Lewis and glad he made a stand for his country which he always does, and I pray her remains sheriff for as long as he wants the job, their are enough of us out here who think him and his officers we respect them too for a job well done---those that are against are the Hillary swamp people the REAL DEPLORABLES.

  36. Perhaps his lawyers that are defending him said take it down

  37. I like him to be dressed in his uniform, he represents Wicomico County very well!!! He will be Sheriff for as long as he wants it....he would make a GREAT County Executive he if decided to run for it he would bump Culver right out!!!! Do your thing Sheriff Lewis you have a lot of support!!!


    Just because the man allegedly makes a good Sheriff, what in the hell makes him a good County Executive? Mike has ZERO business experience. You people, (some of you) are the very reason why our local politicians are rubber stamping Idiots for the Good Ol' Boys. Just plain stupid.

    1. Sometimes it is not about business experience but about common sense. It is very powerful for a man to say the King has no clothes. And for somebody to say that without concern of the repercussions to their future. Just like you do Joe. You put it out there whether it is good or bad for your future.

      Oh and for the record I have been a victim of the good old boy system

    2. Joe I agree with you there. The only thing that makes him a "great sheriff" is his political bullshit. Seriously can anyone tell me what specifically he has done for our community. Specifically not generalized. Has crime gone down? Are we any better off or worse with drugs when he took office? How much of our money has he spent on crap he doesn't need ?

  39. To answer the question in heading of post. Mike Lewis is an inspirational tough guy!

    1. He's a liar and a cheat. He has no ethics. Ask him about how he almost got indicted with the cops down south.

    2. The only think he inspires me to do is not vote for him again.

  40. Maybe Lewis should be Trumps right hand man!

  41. If you don't like the color of the sheriff move !

  42. 5:50, What the hell do you mean, "sometimes it's not about business experience", are you people really that nuts! OK, look at what the County Council has done to block just about ANYTHING Culver puts in front of them. Do you think someone like John Cannon is going to do what a Mike Lewis says to do and go against Cannon's Good Ol' Boy demands? NO! Cannon will always do what they tell him to do.

    Lewis could do a far better service as a Delegate in Annapolis but knowing Mike's monstrous head, that wouldn't be good enough. Mike would rather run for Congress because he feels he's entitled and deserves it. I can assure you, Lewis has zero interest in County Executive.

    1. Thats not going to work for him. People w/ the need for total contol and power have to have jobs where they dominate and/or have little challenge to their authority.

  43. Find a better person for the job bet you can't ?

  44. No doubt Mike would win against anyone in the vote for County Exec. Whether he would be better than Culver or someone else is uncertain.

  45. I am hoping for the day where I will never have to look or listen to him again like obama.

  46. Putting someone in a position only because he may be popular does not make good business sense OR common sense. At least if you want to job done and done at least halfway correct.

    I think Joe is right, some of you are just plain nuts. Maybe that's part of the reason this area is such a shit hole?

  47. The only thing Mike Lewis did for this county is he bought nicer police cars for his image. Has anyone been to the sheriffs dept recently? His name is plastered over everything. He is a politician. He's great at hugging you , kissing your wife and eyeing your daughter. His main focus is running his little state police Dept over there. Buying stalking police cars so he can give you a ticket. He does nothing for his employees and nothing for the community. He is and always has been about Mike Lewis. People may think Mike is their friend. Think again. He has thrown so many of his friends under the bus when it affects his image. What goes around comes around.

    1. He doesn't like the ghetto gangster trash, both white and black so he's alright in my book

    2. @ 4 47 w/ drug money im sure. Wonder if any of that self interest money goes to helping victims or reporters, or to building up the communities. Doesnt look like it.

  48. I support the Sherriff 100% for what he said, there was nothing racist in his comments, plain facts; and I will support him at whatever elected position he runs for.

  49. IF you still think that the players kneeling is in disrespect to the flag. You are a part of the problem.

    1. How can it be taken any other way?? These clowns are causing problems because of people and neighborhoods they themselves won't even subject themselves and to. Why is it majority of rge hoid winks that play in NFL carry concealed weapons. You @3:18 are just as gullible as the dumb asses forfeiting their livelihoods for drug pushing, drug abusing POS

  50. It doesn't take a genuis politician in a conservative community give up football tickets because the players are kneeling people.

  51. It doesn't take a genuis politician in a conservative community give up football tickets because the players are kneeling people.

  52. It doesn’t matter what he does for a living, he’s right. Who writes and opinionates for WBOC? Antifa? BLM? Russians? Illegal alien weather girls?

  53. Has he ever served our country? He seems to be missing the point it is about police brutality.

  54. Mike Lewis is a racist. He has been a racist ever since I've known him. Ever since his days early in the state police. Get him drinking and he'll throw around the "N" word all over the place. His department is 99% white, wonder why.

    1. 813, there are several black deputies. Jmb's sro is black. Get a life troll.

    2. So are BLM and the black. panthers

  55. While I appreciate his Patriotism ,I think he has a Napoleon complex which makes him project himself as a tough guy. He had every right to speak his mind but still, he can't do an effective job as Sheriff when he is never home. Lind of how the Somerset Sheriff practically lives at Gordon's.

  56. Go figure a white man who stands up for his race, heritage is labeled a racist. Mike I see what you deal with on the streets of Salisbury and completely understand

    1. Mike doesn't deal with anything on the streets of Salisbury. His deputies do. Mike sits in the office or travels around on county money teaching all across the United States making money.

    2. A commenter early stated that there have been whites unjustly killed by police brutality so how was he standing up for white heritage? I have encountered law enforcement honestly white ones who have been so helpful to me it that it makes me suck to have to focus on the ones who were rotten. Mike Lewis spoke as if there is no rotten apples in the bunch which makes me question his ability to lead efficiently. It appears he will protect even those rotten apples even if they are wrong. When you have contact w/ them professionally its one thing but if you have contact w/ some of them as a off work citizen youll def see a difference

  57. This just in, you can't make this stuff up, these are real names, " a boogie wit DA bootie" and his crew just assault "'Lil b" causing cancellation of music festival. Mike lewis I support your right to choose to not compromise to today's culture and beliefs. In saying that, Salisbury is this what you want in your city for this garbage folk festival FAKE DAY wants so badly?

  58. I was disgusted by what the sheriff said because he referred to the people in the picture as the underprivileged and and categorized them. The people in the picture were productive, working class, law abiding citizens. I implore you to go to u tube, (which i had ironically) did the night before he posted and watch local news videos. Most of "these people" are sick and tired of the bad elements which have filtrated there communities. Some of these areas where once middle classed black neighborhoods. However once owners began dying and real estate companies began renting out these homes and public housing was demolished, the non productive element began moving in and taking over. Thus destroying these neighborhoods. The crimes which are now being solved are through the citzens calling in tips and info. I even saw citizens speaking out, when at one time they were afraid to. I also saw news stories where those who were to testify where victims of fire bombings. For lewis to speak so critcally of communities as a whole i was sickend. He should make it his business to mind Salisbury s business because the same thing is happening here slowly but surely and he will need "those people" to help him to solve and boost his case solved stats. Had he focused on the specific population of people who are creating the chaos i would have agreed w/ him. People who worked hard to buy their homes, who are too old to move or just refuse to leave because they have lived there for years are being terrorized by thug @ss trash are suffering. It wasnt what he said but how he said it. If he stands by it why he take it down? Fyi most "those" parucular people he spoke of who are eroding communities are not in attendance at a Ravens game, they are some where causing misery and chaos in their neighborhoods.

  59. @ 8:13 Black people use the N word more than anyone are they racist too or just privileged ? If the department is 99% white it's because black aren't applying and it's not that they didn't reach out and lower the standards to make it easier to get in. It's the fact that not many want to be part of the solution in our society but complain that they are being held down through their own inaction.

    1. Who started cracker and who wants to work in environment where they will be treated like the n word. Most of the african Americans around here prefer to join the armed services than local law enforcement because of what they have evidenced and/or heard about the law enforcement

  60. Mike Lewis is a coward. Stand behind your words. I'm a black man and I believe he can say what he wants, as long as he stands by those words. Obviously he is the biggest coward on the shore. Lls

  61. Mike does care about the people of this county. He may not be perfect but he does try and he does care! Mike goes to Annapolis to testify to protect the rights of the citizens in this county! OK so you want Mike gone. Who do you propose to do a better job? Who do you think will stand up and fight for your rights like Mike does? Some of you compare him to 20-30 years ago. Things have evolved and changed since then, things change and so do people. You think you have it so bad, ok removed Mike and see how the crimes rate within this county. In the city its bad enough as you all know. in my opinion once Mike is out of that office, if we don't replace him with somebody that also cares, the crime will soar. Its not a easy job by no means. You want him gone? ok so who do we replace him with that will take the time to go to Annapolis to stand up and fight for your rights? that will keep the crime rates down in Wico county? That will actually give a damned about you and me and every citizen in this county?Sorry but Sheriff Clark is already taken, Will those NFL players come and take a bullet for either of you? Will Ashanti take a bullet for either of you? will the members of BLM take a bullet for either of you? Antifa? the resistance? SURJ? Who else besides Mike and his deputies and the Local Leo's will take a bullet for either of you? Be careful of what you wish for!

  62. Mike Lewis is a cheater and a phony. He is nice to your face and the second you turn your back he is talking crap being your back to his underlings. He does it constantly. He's friends with no one but himself. His people can't stand him, he promotes idiots that pander to his ego, and he's a racist that made his bones on interdiction stops in the 80s. He did things that he fires people for now and he knows it. He's a disappointment to the community and to people of color that voted for him. He's supposed to be a sheriff to the whole community, not just rich farm owners and those in nisthdale. He will never resign. His ego wont allow it. He's a short, small man who thinks he's a big fish. He's a big fish in a very small pool.

  63. I think we should support him in any capacity he is interested in, his record is flawless and his men support him can you say that about anyone else in office around here? I hope he remains sheriff as he has done an excellent job and we could do no better. If he persues other offices I support him there as well. You people cut Fake Jake a lot of slack and he shouldn't have gotten the Mayors job but only did because he ran unopposed. The Mayor is a laughing, grinning, hypocrite people think he had a war record or something and that is far from the truth. He is like Napolean a legend in his own mind, that's why he likes so many selfies, I bet he can't pass a mirror without checking out his profile!

    1. What has he done in the department ? NOTHING But bust on the street cops.

    2. His record is not flawless. The problem is he answers to no one. Ask him about all the dirty stuff he did with his boys down south. He almost got indicted. His friends are in the federal big house. What about the child molester he had working for him? Besides a big personality what has he done for the people of wicomico? Nothing. Name one good thing he has done while in office you can back up with facts or numbers. Nothing.

  64. Just a guy with a Napoleon complex. Bullied for being little he searched for some kind of power he could have to be untouchable. Too big for his britches can't even control the drug problem in his own county. Too busy protecting our right to stockpile arms against the government we get pissed at you for protesting against.

    1. Lewis doesn't know the first thing about the 2nd amendment. That idiot went on the news talking about protecting the 2nd amendment because of the Eastern shore heiratage in hunting. The 2nd amendment was put into place by our founding fathers to protect the people against an aggressive and oppressive government. But that is lost on Lewis which is why he has a huge tank or MRAP at his department. Because the 2nd amendment is for hunting....

    2. Well we should also mention that we were under constant threat of foreign invasion and our sta ding army relied heavily on local militias. Thereby prompting citizens to be prepared to defend their land. People want to stick to this amendment word for word yet other amendments are open to interpretation for them.

  65. The issue is stereotyping. Mike Lewis is a racist plain and simple. Not because he is a cop or the sheriff or a republican or white, be cause he is Mike Lewis. It's human to be bigotted unfortunately to some degree. But Mike goes far, far beyond that. While his public face is that of a smiling happy tough guy, really he is a cop with no previous managerial skills and a highschool education. He craps all over those who he doesn't like, including his own staff. I'm a white republican and I know that Lewis is a racist. Many times I've seen him before he was a sheriff use derogatory remarks against minorities. That's bad for a public official, worse of one in law enforcement. He's more worried about Mike Lewis than anyone else. How would you like it if the sheriff didn't like you for just being catholic or white? It's not good. He is not a good man.

  66. I will never vote for this guy again. He hit on my wife for God's sake.

    1. I don't think he's tall enough to ride that ride

    2. Ha probably not but he tried one night at the bar, that's for sure. She couldn't get away from him.

  67. Here's a question I bet no one can answer... If he's such a good guy and stands up for what he believes in then why did he remove the post? Because he's a POLITICIAN WHO DOESNT GIVE A RATS ASS ABOUT YOU. Keyword here is POLITICIAN. Lying and deceitful . Perfect for his sociopathic personality disorder. Much like a plant without the sun, without a mirror or an audience he would whither away. The only reason he's not on fox anymore is because hes not a black sheriff. How's that for irony.

    1. Yup pretty ironic if you think about it. Hoised by his own far ego.

  68. Ha Ha Ha 1:33 most of the African Americans around here sell dope and steal what's not theirs.....join Armed Forces.....right, you were smoking crack when you made that comment!!!

    1. You must have come across a bad batch of meth if thats the only sensible comment you could reply w/. How do you know what Most are doing? I work pay bills and take care of my kids, two which are in college and most of their friends have left the area for college, are working or have joined the armed forces. I dont have time to count how many whites are on meth, heroin or crack. But i will pray that they not only them but anyone one on that shh will get help and stop destroying their lives and the lives around them.

  69. In my opinion Tough & Inspirational Guy

  70. If it is your job to approach a rattlesnake or a a puppy which would you think might be more likely for you to harm? For the last the 50 years blacks have committed 52% of murders in America and only 13% of the population. Blacks are the most dangerous humans in this country and possibly the planet!!!

    1. Lol. Funny you say that because the feeling is mutual about whites in the minds of blacks

  71. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Mike Lewis is a cheater and a phony. He is nice to your face and the second you turn your back he is talking crap being your back to his underlings. He does it constantly. He's friends with no one but himself. His people can't stand him, he promotes idiots that pander to his ego, and he's a racist that made his bones on interdiction stops in the 80s. He did things that he fires people for now and he knows it. He's a disappointment to the community and to people of color that voted for him. He's supposed to be a sheriff to the whole community, not just rich farm owners and those in nisthdale. He will never resign. His ego wont allow it. He's a short, small man who thinks he's a big fish. He's a big fish in a very small pool.

    October 22, 2017 at 11:32 AM

    That's the majority of the people on the shore. They try to learn about you just to use it against you.

    Snobs, hypocrites, backstabbers, liars, fake, etc etc etc. List goes on and on and on and on and......

    1. I can't disagree with you but he is their leader. Literally.

  72. Rather than making statements, the Sherriff should be taking care of the escalating crime here...as should Duncan, Day and the city and county councils. Shame on the bunch of them.

  73. Wow...this thread is tough. If you don't like Mike how about voting for someone else?

    My hunch is he gets re-elected.

    1. We need someone to run against him and Expose him for who he is ?.

    2. He will get reelected because people think he's their friend because he give out hugs and handshakes. Everytime he walks into a room everyone misses his ass.. but why? Because he's a small sheriff in a small community? Mike Lewis does not like you. White, black or whatever. He is a politician. Him being outgoing is to line his pockets with tax money. That's it. Plain and simple. You think he cares about your damaged mailbox? Or someone run through your yard, your son hooked on heroin , think again. You are a joke to him. A punchline he shares with his cronies at his office. His cronies kiss his ass because they have no backbone to stand up to him. No one does. They think he's all powerful. He can't do anything to you unless you are breaking the law. Otherwise who cares who he is. The only thing he is supposed to do is make this a safer community and he falls short in that regard. Other than what his job is supposed to be , he is of little importance to this community.

    3. Running against Mike is political suicide. He's going to end up with two retirements, touring the country talking about stuff he did in the 80s making even more money to other people that will kiss his ass. If I have to sit through one more interdiction class, a.k.a. the Mike Lewis show, with him touting his own accomplishments, I'm going to throw up.

  74. Sick of these punks hiding behind a badge. Put Mike and I in a box, whether it be physical or IQ based guess what, he is not coming out. Just another country bumpkin half whit idiot with a badge.

  75. All the crooked stuff you've done over the years Mike.. you know what I'm talking about... The only reason you can sleep at night is because in your head, through that dense ego, you justify it. You've done a lot of people wrong along the way.

  76. I think everyone needs to stop kissing his ass. His ego has grown so massive he's now looking to build a bigger sheriff's Dept to fit it. The current building they are in is fine, they don't need to spend our tax money building a castle to fit his massive ego. The next time we see him walk into a place we should ignore him completely unless he addresses us directly. Every time he walks in somewhere everyone is hugging on him and all this crap. Goes straight to his head. He's not a rockstar. Hes bearly a cop.

  77. Can anyone tell me why did they buy four motorcycles with tax money ?

  78. Im amazed at the amount of non racial comments on here, as there are usually more. People are speaking from experience and the heart, not pledge of race allegiance. Thats saying something. The next election for Sheriff indeed will be a very interesting one. I cannot wait. Apparently Lewis doesnt realize how many of "those poor underprivileged black people" voted for him. I liked his tough approach on crime, but if he sees me, someone who works every day, someone who works for the state, pays my bills, who deals w/ the same population of blacks whites et al who are destroying the community as just a underprivileged nig than he no longer deserves my support or vote.

  79. I personally know Mike for the bad cop that he is. He will break the law to enforce the law. He is a dirty cop. Always has been, always will be.

    1. Me too. I've been a policemen for a long while. I've known Mike since early in his career. I've known him before he was a cop. He's always been self serving. Somehow he gets away with things that most other cops would be in jail for. It's a terrible commentary on society. He won't resign. But we can't let this blow over as things normally do. Every so often an important post makes it like this one and after a while it goes away and things blow over. We can't let that happen as a community people. He's a detriment to our community.

  80. I don't care if you are white or black or if you don't like blacks. For a moment let's put that aside. We all know others from a different race that are good people even if you do not like their race in general. So ask yourself do we really want a person in a law enforcement leadership position who has the ultimate law enforcement authority in this county to be bigotted? How would you like it if he targeted you because of the color of your eyes or your height? We can't control what skin we are born into. Reguardless if you dislike blacks or not, we never should have a sheriff in authority thats bigotted. It's an assault on all of our freedom as Americans. The man is in the ultimate authority of law j. The county and is a bigot? It's not good people. It's not what this country was founded upon. He swore to uphold the Constitution. To treat everyone equally under the law. I don't want someone with power over my freedom to be a bigot. Who knows what his other personal feelings are And I'm white as wonder bread.

  81. He's a bad cop, all right, but he sure has snookered the voters of Wicomico County.

  82. The really sad thing in all of this is there are posts that obviously are coning from fellow law enforcement, fellow sheriff's Dept employees but yet none of them have the stones to step up and run opposed to Mike Lewis. His antics are well known in both law enforcement community and the ones that dwell in the crime aspect, this is old news but yet all the big badass LEO are too intimidated to walk the talk.

    1. You're right. There are a lot of people that want to run against him but won't because he makes people's lives miserable. Hopefully he will get federally indicted for all the crooked stuff he has done and does.

  83. Mike Lewis is pretty skummy. There was a female co worker of mine at a uniform place in used to work. Lewis would come in there all the time and hit on my co worker. It was pretty gross really and very inappropriate.

  84. WBOC is race baiting time for the people of the county to boycott this racist station.


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