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Sunday, October 08, 2017

Sheriff Mike Lewis Deserves A Lot Of Credit

Last week I called out Mike Lewis by challenging him to get rid of his Baltimore Ravens season tickets. Considering Sheriff Lewis is as patriotic as he is, he has done just that. "When I saw what happened last weekend, I said 'I'm done.' That's it for me," Lewis said. 

Always give credit where credit is due. Good job Mike Lewis.


  1. Lewis is a good guy, true American Joe.

  2. Mike is a good man. Enough said.

  3. DId he sell them?

  4. I've always supported and respected LE. I just watched the body cam footage of the first officers on the scene in Las Vegas. It was chilling to watch. They ran toward the gun fire to help people! For the thugs in the NFL to disrespect and lie about LE like this is disgusting. Those football players are nothing but worthless garbage. God Bless Sheriff Lewis and LE everywhere.

  5. Thank you Sheriff Lewis.

  6. All cops should NOT work the football stadiums.

  7. We are seeing the transformation of attitude towards these spoiled, arrogant, elitist sports stars. These millionaires are rich off of the backs of the fans. None of these players have served or contributed to this country. I hope ALL sports take notice, because fans have put you on notice. WE WON"T TOLARATE INSULTING AND DISRESPECTING OUR FLAG AND COUNTRY. There are better was to get your issues out than this ridiculous protest. I have stopped watching football several years ago, this recent nonsense just confirmed I was right; bocott these sports. Good for Sheriff Lewis.

  8. Remember when all those NFL "heroes" ran in to help subdue the Vegas shooter? Remember all the ones that died helping others on 9/11? No? Me neither...

  9. Thank you Mike for standing up for what you believe!

  10. The Sheriff's department and other law enforcement agencies should take the field with our local high school football teams in a show of unity and to give the finger to the NFL.

  11. I am done with the NFL. I have never had a reasonable explanation of why the NFL was granted a "Non-Profit" organization status when the owners are making billions of dollars from selling TV rights, sponsors paying huge prices for ads and outrageous ticket prices from fans.
    I will no longer pay to watch ignorant thugs make millions of dollars each year and then disrespect actual heroes who are still living and those who are buried in Arlington Cemetery and other sacred grounds.
    The players and owners may make millions but they have sold their souls and have no sense of honor or respect for those who sacrificed so much for America.

  12. Mike Lewis could win any Wicomico County office, including County Exec.


  13. Whats the true story and details. Season tickets require a PLS. It is very difficult to sell a PLS in a week. If you do not buy your tickets you forfeit your PLS, and lose the money you paid. Lets have some details

  14. 1:03 Indeed.....but we need him right were he is.

  15. Ask Lewis where he parks when he goes down there... Special parking. Ask him what car he drives, county police car. Ask him what hes drinking while operating the county car. Mike Lewis is a over inflated political monster.

  16. What goes around, comes around...

  17. Why. Why does this guy deserve a lot of credit? Because he got rid of seasonal tickets so he wouldn't look like an unpatriotic ass to his constituency? The only thing Mike has ever been about is himself and his own ego. If you were bleeding in the street he would step over you unless there was a camera there. And he hates his staff. He is more worried about investigating his people than he is about making the community safer. Whoever said it was a mini state police is absolutely right. Terrible person but a great politician. While he's kissing your baby he's trying to figure out how to stop you for speeding, lock up your son for his heroin problem, or stick it to your wife.

  18. What did he do with them , give them away , sell them OR destroy them.


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