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Sunday, October 08, 2017

Shelter Supervisor Position Available At Humane Society of Wicomico County

Humane Society of Wicomico County - Salisbury, MD 21804



The Animal Shelter Supervisor is responsible for managing the shelter staff, shelter programs, humane treatment of sheltered animals and the physical facilities.


-Supervision is provided by the Executive Director.

-Responsibilities include direct supervision over assigned staff.


-Ensure that files, records and statistics are properly maintained including: animal intake, disposition, adoption, euthanasia, spay and neuter of shelter animals.

-Meet and greet the public and answers questions regarding animal shelter operations and policies.

-Perform customer service duties, such as giving facility tours, instructing customers about proper animal care, dealing with complaints and assisting with adoptions

- Assists with daily animal care as necessary

- Assesses training needs and facilitates staff training

- Answers citizen complaints and assists staff with complex customer service issues.

- Assist the Executive Director and Events Coordinator on planning and implementation of events

- Manage and run crematory facility

- Any other duties deemed necessary by the Executive Director



  1. I could do it but - Manage and run crematory facility - no thank you.

  2. I would be perfect for this job but this is NOT a no kill shelter. Don't believe in killing animals for no good reason.nn

  3. Did Molnar finally get the ax?

    1. No stepping down,she couldn't sleep her way to the top

  4. There's a thankless job for you.

  5. Wow the bus driver finally steps down,years of throwing people under the bus,running off good people,not to forget about all the good animal control officer she had fire for no reason

  6. Make ALL facilities NO - Kill Give Animals Rights to Live

  7. Murder is what killing Innocent animals is .......
    Same thing Hitler did to people .....FACT
    Animals have every much a Right to LIFE as we do !!!!!

    America still has a long way to go to be Civilized !!!

  8. Animal Cruelty is NOT Humane (as Govt calls it)
    It is Cruel to kill an innocent animal , regardless of the
    method used .............How can any do such a thing ???

  9. I wonder if David Fitzgerald will apply for it.

  10. You couldn't pay me enough.

  11. Monlar couldn't throw Arron under the bus evidently,guess all that going to the board on him complaining behind his back didn't work this time did it.

  12. To all the place will be so much better without you know who there,I fill so sorry for the people who have had to put up with her abuse over the years,the constant stabbing people in the back,being rude to customers coming in to donate supplies,or picking up there animal that's gotten out,has for all the employees change has come time to make the humane society great again.

  13. I agree 2.15 I went there several times and donated and this b#$%& had a snarl on her face the whole time. Aaron is great and very nice to people.

    1. She must have been out of polygrip that day,it's hard for her to keep those fake teeth in her mouth without it 😮😮

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Murder is what killing Innocent animals is .......
    Same thing Hitler did to people .....FACT
    Animals have every much a Right to LIFE as we do !!!!!

    America still has a long way to go to be Civilized !!!

    October 4, 2017 at 8:14 PM:

    You can't change the meaning of words...FACT. Look up "murder," and WHO Hitler killed. Even killing people is not called "murder" in certain circumstances. You are a fanatic.

    Animals are killed in every country on the planet. What the hell are you talking about? Go hug a tree....


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