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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Schumer Calls Trump 'Obstructionist in Chief'

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., labeled President Donald Trump "obstructionist in chief," according to The Hill.

"The president is pointing fingers," Schumer said. "He blames Mitch McConnell for obstruction. He blames the Democrats for obstruction. He's the obstructionist in chief because he can't stick to a position," Schumer said.



  1. Who gives a crap what schumer thinks?

  2. As the world turns and the politicians switch from party to party (depending upon who will pay them the most) I am sure Trump finds it necessary to change his strategy quite often..

  3. He is just another manipulating Democrat bully. All the Dumbos want to do is cry, yell racism. Never solve problems unless it is all their way.

  4. Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer (WINK WINK).

  5. Oh, and John McCain isn't?

  6. These challenged democrats never fail to prove themselves stupid. They obstruct the good man and call him obstructionist in chief. You can't make this crap up. Unreal.

  7. The nazis always said if you repeat a lie often enough people would start believing it as fact.

    That's what these demoncrats, Hollyweirds and other bobbleheads are doing with their incessant attacks on Trump and his agenda.

  8. Comments from another idiot in Hollywood. Like most of Hollywood, she thinks she's EF Hutton.

  9. He obstructionist DOJ and FBI.

  10. A classic case of projection


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