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Thursday, October 19, 2017


No fun allowed!

Boyden Elementary School in Walpole, Massachusetts has cancelled their Halloween costume parade in favor of “Black and Orange” spirit day.

As a proud Celt, I am already disgusted that people who are not of Celtic descent celebrate Halloween, which comes down from the old Celtic celebration of Samhain. Our significant day is not your spooky, candy-filled night of fun! But I doubt that Boyden is cancelling Halloween out of respect to Irish and Scottish people in their community of about 25,000 people.

The school’s principal just gave out this announcement:

“…the costume parade is out of our ordinary routine and can be difficult for many students. Also, the parade is not inclusive of all the students and it is our goal each and every day to ensure all student’s individual differences are respected.”



  1. Something tells me this principle takes a knee to the National Anthem.

  2. Well what about the kids who want to dress up for halloween? Doesn't seem like they're being taken into consideration at all. Bet they will celebrate ramadan and cinco de mayo though! And of course black lives matter and antifa as well. I think it is tome to segregate schools again. Maybe then white kids can actually get an education since they are the only ones still trying. Blacks, latinos and muslims don't have to learn anything, will still get into college for free, because you know, "minority". What will happen when whites become the minority, and the rest have to pay for college and whites don't? Oh that's right, that will never be allowed because of "white privelege". This country is so done. Once we lose the majority, the tax base collapses, housing plunges because no one will own a house, just section 8 ghettos, like pretty much 90% of salisbury is now...and just go look anywhere that accepts section 8, they have no pride or reason to care for the property because they will be evicted in less than a year for not paying the miniscule amount they have to for rent. Every nice new apartments they build last maybe a couple years before accepting section 8, and once they do, the entire place goes to crap. Trash everywhere, rodents, roaches, and the inevitable crime and drugs along with it. Go walk around marley manor and see what a crap hole it is. Or the newest ones behind target, already full of section 8, and already ruined. I give the new ones on booth street less than a year before they are destroyed. All this to appease the animals. I say we need to put all the section 8 back on the reservation AND only there. They already ruined it, let them live in their own filth, not spread it everywhere.

  3. Making way for Islam.

  4. No 8:57 they are making way for the satanic NWO and the anti christ


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