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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Rep. Scalise Speaks Out In Support Of Responsible Gun Owners

OAN Newsroom

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise weighs in on gun rights in the wake of last week’s deadly shooting in Las Vegas.

The Louisiana representative reaffirmed his support for Americans right to bear arms and said more restrictions are not the answer.

Scalise said the problem is not with law abiding Americans who have guns and opposed restricting the rights of responsible gun owners.

“If you’re going to have a firearm it’s important that you know how to use it and how to protect your family so that it doesn’t get into the wrong hands,” said Scalise. But it’s every day in America you see people use their firearms to protect them against a criminal.”

Scalise says mental illness is often to blame for mass shootings such as the one in Las Vegas, as well as the attack when he was critically injured earlier this year.



  1. So why are we doing jack squat about mental illness?

  2. 9:16 because the Pharmaceutical Industry pays the Congressmen too well, to do anything.

  3. Everyone at the ballfields that day, imagine they all were armed. Would the gunman even approached the field? Would he have been too nervous to aim well knowing as soon as he let loose everyone else would too? Would he have been able to wound the others during a barrage of return fire?


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