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Sunday, October 01, 2017

President Dudley-Eshbach Announces She Is Stepping Down June 30

SALISBURY, MD---Dr. Janet Dudley-Eshbach, the president of Salisbury University, today announced her decision to step down effective June 30, 2018.

Dudley-Eshbach was appointed SU’s eighth president in 2000, the first woman to hold the office. She is the University System of Maryland’s longest-serving female president and is the second longest-tenured president in SU history.

“I first knew Janet when I was President of Towson University,” said USM Chancellor Robert Caret. “She was (and still is) a fierce champion for Salisbury University. Her energy, passion, intelligence and humor marked her as someone whose voice would be heard. When I returned as Chancellor, those aspects of her character had not changed, but she also can speak eloquently about the significance of public universities everywhere, particularly their missions to help all students and educate an informed public. She has made higher education her life, and SU, the University System of Maryland, and the citizens of Maryland, are better for it.”

“Change is good, for institutions and individuals,” Dudley-Eshbach said in a letter to campus. “Eighteen years is a long tenure for any university president, especially in today’s world.

“On reflection, I am immensely grateful to everyone associated with Salisbury University. We’ve accomplished so very much together, and my own successes would not have been possible without the support and dedication of thousands of staff, faculty, students, alumni, donors and members of SU’s many affiliated boards.

“I have wanted to time my decision in a way that fits the internal needs of the University,” she said. “I will not be retiring, but looking forward to new opportunities.”

In an agreement with the USM chancellor and regents, she will serve as a special advisor to the University during a sabbatical year which begins July 1, 2018, assisting her successor with transitional matters, supporting fundraising efforts and engaging in special projects, “so long as these activities do not interfere with the primary purpose of my sabbatical,” she added, “which is preparation to resume service as an active member of the faculty beginning the 2019-20 academic year.

“I am greatly looking forward to returning to my first love – teaching, mentoring students, and scholarship. I also hope to make more time for family, music, reading and other interests.” The president is bilingual and said “I wish to be involved in community service activities and would like to work with our region’s Spanish-speaking community, particularly those who may need help with English language skills.”


  1. She needs to be retired to a prison for helping the pt wanna be mayor and SPD in covering up crime in da bury.

  2. She belongs in jail.

  3. She has ruined SU during her tenure. Just ask the Alumni who has quit donating to the Foundation. It is a shame she will not just disappear and get totally out of higher education and out of MD. She has spread her liberal beliefs to the point of Students hating her. Wish the real truth would be told about her and her failed leadership of educating young people. An Su degree has lost a lot of its luster with organizations / businesses.

  4. She just got a raise too! Taking her money and running.

    1. I wonder how many hundreds of thousands a year her retirement is?

  5. Wait until you meet her replacement.

  6. A true brainwashing social communist she needs to be in prison for TREASON.

  7. Maybe SPD Duncan will apply.

  8. the screen door cant miss that fat ass!

  9. Made big money now off to a non profit to rake in more.

  10. They used a 40 year old picture, liberals cant deal with the truth lol!

  11. And she got her pay raise just in time to add another $20,000 to her annual retirement pay. Ain't that nice, on the student and taxpayer dollar?

  12. Maybe now those under her can feel free to express their opinion and outlook now, even if different from hers.

  13. I don’t understand why Salisbury U doesn’t have night classes for working adult who want to earn a 4 year degree. Most universities offer this option to adults.

  14. she sais she is leaving because she has missed out on too many buffets at golden corral

  15. That picture was plus a hundred pounds ago.

  16. this pisses me off why the hell as a taxpayer do I have to help fund such an exorbitant salary and retirement package for a liberal socialist pos? notihng but another form of welfare imo!

  17. She should have stepped down years ago when those Facebook pics of her appeared in a bathing suite and Margarita straws up her nose. The straws I could forgive.


  18. So, she gets to take a year “sabbatical”. A year of doing nothing and being paid for it. Pretty much like her whole career.

  19. One can bet there is a juicy backstory to this. Stepping down to teach, indeed! No way.

  20. Hey lady don't let the door hit ya (you know where) on the way out. BTW take all the illegals with you. Let them leach off some one else's dime.

  21. That is a recent picture. She has lost a lot of weight. She has gotten healthy. Good for her.

    She also oversees a $60M organization with over 1,000 employees, and about a billion dollars of infrastructure.

    She has been the reason for the new buildings.

    Yes, there are things to complain about, but honestly, she has done a good job.

  22. An ULTRA LIBERAL whose politics is extreme and disturbing! She suppresses anything conservative or moral on the SU campus. She aligns herself with all the radical liberals and their wacky ideals. Naturally people like, Jake Day, Irelton, rally around her. All of these people are dangerous and are socialists. They want to control and dictate their warped ideals to everyone. Good riddance, hopefully someone with character, morals, values, replaces her; however I doubt that since SU is a Liberal training and breeding ground.

  23. I hope someone got wise and fired here Liberal butt.

  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    That is a recent picture. She has lost a lot of weight. She has gotten healthy. Good for her.

    She also oversees a $60M organization with over 1,000 employees, and about a billion dollars of infrastructure.

    She has been the reason for the new buildings.

    Yes, there are things to complain about, but honestly, she has done a good job.

    September 27, 2017 at 9:31 PM

    BARF!! I just saw her at SU for Wicomico's 150th anniversary and she was as fat as ever. Had a difficult time getting out of her seat and had problems walking.

    So you think new buildings paid for by hard earned tax payer dollars is a milestone to be proud of?? What a Liberal Douche Bag you are!

  25. Anonymous said...
    I don’t understand why Salisbury U doesn’t have night classes for working adult who want to earn a 4 year degree. Most universities offer this option to adults.

    September 27, 2017 at 2:57 PM

    Um... I got my Masters Degree going strictly at night. I also took night classes for an undergrad program. Quit being so lame and do something for yourself.

  26. If Salisbury University was smart they would take over that FAILED Physician Assistant Program that UMES lost.

  27. Read the Salisbury Independent piece where she was whining about how her job was on weekends and holidays. For a half a million, boo-fing-hoo. She's a spoiled brat who has wormed her way into Salisbury with her flashy PhD from some unknown South American college no one has ever heard of before. She's been a scam since the beginning but no one has dared to counter her because she's greased the local slumlord class by throwing students into their housing programs. Instead of building nifty new stadiums, why wasn't she building more dorms? Why hasn't she done more to improve the education at SU instead of providing a fancy schmancy Academic Commons to show off to her political buddies? Why does SU only have two pathetic PhD programs? This is not the vision Dr. Bellevance had for Salisbury University. Not even close. He sought to make it a real university with lots of Doctorate programs the school could be proud of, not splashy buildings and property acquisitions.

  28. I heard she wants to teach at SU once her break is done. Whatever. She had plenty of opportunities to reach out to students but never did. Why would anyone think this gal would change her course? She only hobknobs with people she deems as those who can forward her not the school. She sucks up to local politicians not the students who have helped fund her stupid run as president. She couldn't give two hoots about the students.

  29. Why wait for June 30 when tomorrow is just a good a time as any? The school will thrive without her buying and selling student safety so her buddies at city hall can have a seemingly spotless crime report.

  30. Almost 10 years ago and she lasted that long as a racist President

    Salisbury University President Pulls Her Facebook Profile Over Postings
    October 17, 2007 | :

    by Associated Press

    The president of a U.S. university removed her Facebook profile after being questioned about apparently unprofessional captions posted next to photos on the Web page.

    Janet Dudley-Eshbach, president of Salisbury University, had a photo on the social networking Web site showing her pointing a stick toward her daughter and a Hispanic man with a caption saying she had to “beat off Mexicans because they were constantly flirting with my daughter.”

    A caption accompanying a photo of a tapir referred to the large size of the animal’s genitalia.

    Dudley-Eshbach removed her profile hours after reporters asked her about the captions Monday. She did not immediately return a call seeking comment by The Associated Press on Wednesday.

    The school released a statement attributed to her saying “Many of us are learning about the positives and negatives of public networking sites such as Facebook. I regret that some of these family vacation photos, with captions that were only intended to be humorous, were included on Facebook.”

    Anne Moultrie, a spokeswoman for the University System of Maryland, said she did not know how system officials planned to respond.

    “As far as I know it has not come up before,” she said.

    Dudley-Eshbach has been Salisbury’s president since 2000.

    — Associated Press

  31. 1128 the real rip is she hid the racist actions of two black girls did on the whiteboard at the old library spring before last.

  32. Enough said...

    350 out of 4,150 college presidents sign gun control letter
    By Valerie Strauss
    February 4, 2013

    Education Secretary Arne Duncan, appearing today with college presidents, students, administrations and mayors to demand congressional action to curb gun violence, said Congress needs to be forced by Americans outside Washington D.C. to do the right thing.

    Duncan appeared on Capitol Hill with leaders of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, the United States Student Association, the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators, and College Presidents for Gun Safety...

    Some public university presidents did sign, including this show of force in Maryland: .....and Janet Dudley-Eshbach of Salisbury University.

  33. Part I

    Fed by leftist mass hysteria, a radical academic vanguard, and an increasingly greedy racial-grievance industry.
    May 4, 2016
    Matthew Vadum

    A hate crime aimed at black students at Maryland's Salisbury University has been revealed as just the latest high-profile race-related hoax to hit the groves of academe in the race-obsessed Obama era.

    Except for acknowledging that the two perpetrators are African-American students at the school that is located on the Delmarva Peninsula in eastern Maryland, the university is engaged in a cover-up. If the perpetrators were white, a cynic might say that the school would find a way to leak out the pertinent details in order to make a political statement.

    Of course, there certainly are racist incidents on university campuses, but blacks are rarely the targets or the victims. Blacks are more likely to be the instigators or beneficiaries of racist acts. Racially discriminatory admissions policies are a kind of reverse apartheid and part of what David Horowitz has termed "black privilege." Such policies help unqualified African-Americans get into some institutions of higher learning, while keeping academically qualified Caucasians and Asians out.

    As Americans have seen in the Obama era, the cultish, Democrat-endorsed Black Lives Matter movement, whose members openly urge the murder of cops, is built on the Big Lie that police routinely use black Americans for target practice. This evil movement draws many of its activists from college and university campuses.

    This makes sense. The academy is a logical enough home for modern-day racists, especially those with dark skin, a condition that makes them more or less immune to serious scrutiny. In the professorate there is no shortage of supporters of racist cop-killing black radicals like Mumia abu Jamal and Assata Shakur.

    The fake hate crime consisted of a childish drawing on a whiteboard of a crying stick figure hanging from a noose. The N-word appears beside an arrow pointing to the body and below it the phrase "#WhitePower" appears.

    The drawing was discovered inside the school's Blackwell Library on April 10, around the time of the university's annual "Stop Hatin'" week, a feel-good observance promoting diversity and acceptance.

    Read the whole story here:

  34. The fake hate crime consisted of a childish drawing on a whiteboard of a crying stick figure hanging from a noose. The N-word appears beside an arrow pointing to the body and below it the phrase "#WhitePower" appears.

    The drawing was discovered inside the school's Blackwell Library on April 10, around the time of the university's annual "Stop Hatin'" week, a feel-good observance promoting diversity and acceptance.

    "Diversity is a core value of SU, and reports of such acts are taken seriously," declared angry university president Janet Dudley-Eshbach. "The university will not tolerate this kind of language or behavior."

    Dudley-Eshbach said she was "heartened to see many members of the campus come together" during "Stop Hatin'" week.

    But a hate-crime investigation by campus police determined no crime had actually been committed.

    Campus officials refused to identify the two students, invoking the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

    "Regardless of who created the drawing, we find such actions demeaning to all members of the campus community and against our core values," huffed university spokesman Richard Culver.

  35. 11:31 I forgot about that... Liberals use black people to do their dirty work and blame blacks when they do it themselves..Like deface public property.

  36. Does anyone remember when the SU Police were chasing Janet Dudley-Eshbach's son through the campus and he was driving his new vehicle through all those front and back yards in the Camden neighborhood?

    He got off that crime. What happened to the SUPD officers that were chasing him?


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