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Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Predictably and Despicably, Dems Exploit Vegas to Push Gun Control

Not even waiting for all the facts, Democrats use the suffering to push their agenda.

The nation’s worst shooting massacre happened Sunday night in Las Vegas, where 59 people attending a country music concert were murdered and more than 500 wounded. Jason Aldean was performing when the assailant opened fire from his 32nd floor hotel room. This was a horrendous act of mass murder — what President Donald Trump correctly called “pure evil.” It’s a grim reminder that evil human beings will go to extreme measures to inflict pain and suffering on others.

As evil as this massacre was, gun controllers took to the microphone before any facts surrounding this atrocity were unveiled. Leftists immediately screamed about how their preferred policies would have prevented this tragedy without presenting any facts to back up their claim.

What follows is a litany of lies from many leftists using this tragedy to advance their agenda to strip Liberty from law-abiding citizens.

After trotting out a series of completely bogus statistics, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi pontificated in a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan, “Congress has a moral duty to address this horrific and heartbreaking epidemic. Charged with the solemn duty to protect and defend the American people, we must respond to these tragedies with courage, unity and decisive action.” By which she means to pass left-wing anti-gun legislation curtailing the Second Amendment.

Democrat Sen. Chris Murphy from Connecticut insisted, “This must stop. … It is positively infuriating that my colleagues in Congress are so afraid of the gun industry that they pretend there aren’t public policy responses to this epidemic.” He added, “The thoughts and prayers of politicians are cruelly hollow if they are paired with continued legislative indifference. It’s time for Congress to get off its a— and do something.”

Connecticut’s other Democrat senator, Richard Blumenthal, added, “It has been barely a year since what was previously the largest mass shooting in American history — the deadly attack at Pulse nightclub. … In the interim, thousands more have been lost to the daily, ruthless toll of gun violence. Still, Congress refuses to act. I am more than frustrated. I am furious!”

More here


  1. Now think about why they want to take all of your guns, when we have strict gun laws!!!! That every where you have to do a background check to get a gun, yet that is not good enough for these people and at the same time, doesn't stop a crazy fool who was once sane and bought a gun legally and then goes insane and shoots someone... You can't stop that and no law, even with mental health cans top that...

    Just like the kid who killed his mother, broke into her safe, took her legally bought and owned guns and shot someone...

    They want our guns so we can't defend ourselves, they want our guns so the people who want to keep on oppressing us can do it more faster and harder...

    To prove the point, what the fuck does this shooting in Vegas have anything to do with a silencer or suppressor but Hillary said becasue of those, and the NRA, this guy shot people...

    Ask yourself this, would there have been an Auschwitz if the people kept or had guns???? Do you think Germany could have done all of those things they did??? NO, the answer is NO!!!

  2. Senator, why don'y you personally come and try to take my gun and see what happens... It is great you can grandstand on a tragedy that more than likely was perpetrated so you can stand up there to congress and try to take our guns and rights...

    It is also funny how you send in cops and other people to do your dirty work, you are to fucking coward to do yourself... Even more funny is the cops can't see it because they are to blind by their paycheck, just doing their job, following orders and wanting to abuse or kill people, to see they are being used as pawns...

    Speaking of Connecticut... It is becasue the people and the police who refused to follow orders or the illegal laws, which stopped a lot of people dying... The cops refuse to confiscate guns and magazines or clips from citizens becasue they realize it was them who would be shot at or hurt or killed over a politicians law in which he is to fucking coward to enforce himself and unconstitutional... They can always send someone else in to do their dirty work and just watch you die and then use your tragedy in vain to take more rights...

  3. There is only one message that everyone can take from the democrats call for gun control. It's big and it's glaring.
    Black Lives Do NOT Matter to democrats.
    Approximately 4000 black on black murders a year in this county. 10,000+++ shootings but rarely or ever do the democrats speak on gun control when a black is gunned down by another black.
    The reason is so obvious. To democrats blacks are lessor people. Their lives do not matter. They are simply votes, not humans only votes to democrat.
    Democrats prove this every time there is a mass shooting that involves mostly whites. We see it locally. No public outrage whatsoever from local elected officials over the spike of black murders this year in Sby. Barely any media coverage on TV or the papers. You can bet that if a white female college student were murdered Day and the rest of them would be scheduling press conferences and on TV and quoting to journalists like crazy. They would be vowing that the perpetrator would be subject to the fullest extent of the justice system. But because the victims were black they could care less.
    It's really a shame how low the democrats have sunk in this country. How they can take a whole entire race for granted because historically that race has been loyal and voted overwhelmingly for them. It speaks columns to the lack of character of the democrat party as a whole.

  4. Tell me Mr. Blumenthal as I will not address you as senator, How can you justify killing millions of babies and then be so furious about this. Talk about a ruthless toll ...

    Democrats - do you people get your brains vacuumed out of your heads??

  5. You better buy a bump stock if you want one because I think they will be the next banned item.

  6. Every time a politician calls for more gun control, I buy another. Won't you join me?

  7. Don't need a bump stock just the modified trigger plate.

  8. That's all.
    Modify the weapon.
    3 minutes and you are in business.
    Now come and get it.

    We might be able to skip the rope part if these Senators all of a sudden find a pair of balls and decide THEY want to be the first through the door.
    Entropy is building up some momentum.
    You better be stocking up on everything. Its going downhill fast.

    Keep cheering.

  9. when they get rid of their armed protectors then I will hear them but still not believe them. they can also get rid of the walls at there home before they tell me we don't need a wall. plus make them buy into the obamacare like they are making us buy it. (map)

  10. Dems, I will listen to your gun challenges. You will then be generous and listen to updating the Affordable Care Act; Tax Reform; and most of all PASSING a budget ON TIME!

    Don't want to listen, well then enjoy your remaining time in office because Americans are tired of waiting for you to do what you were elected to do - YOUR JOB. Don't want to do your job, then Americans will not re-elect you!

  11. All the gun laws in the world would not have stopped this tragedy. You liberal democrats are so stupid. Can't you see gun control laws only hurt the law-abiding citizen. It only makes it harder for the average person that is no threat to anyone to get a gun to protect their house and their family. Instead of more gun control laws, you should be trying to do something to get these mentally ill people off of the streets. Because these psychos will find a way to kill people even if it is without guns. They will make a bomb or find some other way to get the job done. So you see the gun control B.S. is just that B.S.


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