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Saturday, October 14, 2017

Penguin catastrophe leaves thousands of chicks dead with only two survivors

(CNN)A penguin colony in Antarctica has suffered a massive breeding failure, with only two chicks surviving the disaster.
Terre Adélie (Adélie Land) is home to more than 18,000 pairs of Adélie penguins, but this year almost all the seabirds' babies starved to death, a situation one expert described as "Tarantino does Happy Feet."
The World Wildlife Fund said unseasonably extensive amounts of sea ice around the colony in East Antarctica had forced the adult penguins to travel further than normal to forage for food.
"This devastating event contrasts with the image that many people might have of penguins," said Rod Downie, Head of Polar Programmes at WWF. "It's more like 'Tarantino does Happy Feet', with dead penguin chicks strewn across a beach in Adélie Land."


  1. Must be global warming with all that ice huh?

  2. Got geoengineering?

    Educate yourselves. It is a hugely important topic.
    Deliberate, man-made, weather modification is on-going above our heads every single day.
    Nano-particulate dispersal from high altitude aircraft is geoengineering.

  3. "...extensive amounts of sea ice..."

    is that part of global warming???

    start the spin!!!

  4. So sad to hear that !


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