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Thursday, October 05, 2017

Pelosi mutters 'oh God' during question, suffers brain freeze, stares at reporters


  1. see said "Oh God!" after her bladder started emptying & when she realized she used her last Depends an hour before during her last accident. all the muttering was taking place while she was concentrating her energy to stop the flow.

  2. I don't think this liberal baltimore self enriching abortion pushing pos politician has any time for God.

  3. It's time to hang it up, Nancy.

  4. Time for this robot to get away now.

  5. You all will be laying in your own feces one day and it will be a under educated person making minimum wage who is a democrat taking care of you. If you don't believe me, go visit any area nursing home.

  6. You can't have a brain freeze when you're a libtard like Pelosi.

    "Brain freezes" require you to have a brain. Libtards don't have any brains

  7. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs - both democrats. So they didn't have brains?, as you access the internet on a device created by one or the other.

  8. She said "Oh God" when she realized she had just peed herself.


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