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Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Pay Attention


  1. That General was one of the most loved and most intelligent men to graces this good earth. He was loved and respected by ALL Americans! Until the Democrats started rewriting history books to meet their agenda.

    Vote out all Democrats. No more free rides.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    That General was one of the most loved and most intelligent men to graces this good earth. He was loved and respected by ALL Americans! Until the Democrats started rewriting history books to meet their agenda.

    Vote out all Democrats. No more free rides.

    October 3, 2017 at 2:50 AM

    He was a Hero to my family, friends and classmates.

  3. This hits a nail on the head. The MSM is so out of touch and attempting to drag the only audience, left wing liberals, into the abyss with them.

  4. SQUIRREL! look over there----no, THERE! Distract from the important issues...get the uneducated masses riled up over non-existent problems.


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