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Thursday, October 05, 2017

Our Situation Report

By Anna Von Reitz 

Truly understanding where we are requires a knowledge of where we have been in the past--- and that is not easy to come by, both because the facts have been obscured by guilty parties and because most people have not been motivated to learn. 

So that we can hit the highlights and get up to speed in the present---- 

Part I -- We Begin 

1. The government of this country is vested in its people. "People" means "militia" in Hebrew. There is no doubt that the Founders meant for the government to be created and controlled by the same militia men who defended the country then and who defend it now. 

2. The actual government is an unincorporated business known as a Body Politic. 

3. The name given to this Body Politic on September 9, 1776, was: The United States of America. 

4. This is a totally unique unincorporated entity and we hold its Declaration of Independence and its Letters Patent and its sacred name under Common Law Copyright in perpetuity. 

5. The United States of America is not a sovereign nation. It is a consortium known as a "union" of sovereign nations. 

6. Thus, when you look at this country, what you are actually seeing are fifty smaller countries, each with their own history, their own geographic boundaries, and their own natural government. In America the words "state" and "nation" are interchangeable. Thus, the "interstate commerce clause" can also be read as the "international commerce clause" and "Ohio State Bank" can also be read "Ohio National Bank". 

7. For their mutual benefit, these independent small countries banded together and formed the union called The United States of America and they delegated their international jurisdiction (also known as "territorial jurisdiction"), both on the land (organized as Federal Postal Districts) and on the sea (organized as US Districts) to it. 

8. The unincorporated union of sovereign states called "The United States of America" holds and exercises all their combined international "powers". 

9. The United States of America then delegated nineteen of these international powers to the British-backed United States organization, lodged in the District of Columbia. 

10. Neither of these organizations were incorporated originally. Each had its own population and its own geographical territory. This was the practical result of The Definitive Treaty of Peace 1783, which describes the two populations as "the free, sovereign and independent people of the United States"



  1. If only our schools taught this!

  2. 8:24 they can't because most of their teachers can't comprehend this.

  3. All true. Those 50 states, in the meantime, gave up far too much of their internal power, to be regulated by the Feds.


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