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Sunday, October 22, 2017

Opioid forum Oct 19, 2017

Who:               Wicomico County officials

What:              Taking Back Our Community
                        A community conversation on heroin and opioids.

When:             Thursday, October 19, 2017
                        6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Where:            Midway Room
                        Wicomico Youth and Civic Center
                        500 Glen Ave., Salisbury, MD

Why:               The purpose of this forum is to allow county officials to share with the community what is being done in Wicomico 
                        County to combat the opioid crisis and for the community to share what they think needs to be done.


  1. Mike Lewis should stop buying spy cars for stalking your citizens and stalking the public for doing five miles over the speed limit and concentrate on drug dealers. Instead he gives you a hug, kisses your wife, while setting up a speed trap, sending your son to jail because of his opioid addiction and tries to hook up with your daughter. Save a few tax dollars by taking your name off everything and letting some air out of your ego. How about that Mike?

    1. Perhaps my line of travel does NOT put me in the "RIGHT" places to see Sheriff Lewis and his hundreds deputies setting up speed traps. I travel the routes where MSP is out and about. IMO Mike Lewis does a good job for Wicomico County. Did Mike catch you breaking the law and you are in retaliation mode?

  2. Previous rant, a pack of lies.

    1. I don't know sounds fairly accurate

  3. Every morning the WCSO is targeting working folks on their way to work with speed traps. They used to hide behind the bushes at Rockawalkin church until the church remove the trees/bushes looking for stop sign and cell phone use violations. Now they sit closer to Rt. 50. Pisses me off that in the summer they shoot radar on Rockawalkin Rd. but let the tourists drive 65-75 on Rt. 50 a half mile away..

  4. The only thing that this has to do with drugs is that they K( scan pretty much every vehicle they pull over. Stop and frisk tactics against working people.

  5. 4:36 Except the part about the daughter I agree with your assessment.

  6. @4:36 if they would actually arrest the heroin addicted instead of treating them with Narcan and walking away, it may make a difference! I know I walked in right after a good friend OD and called 911. We begged the officer to arrest him, and force him to get help! The officer said they couldn't do that! Why the hell not, he had a needle sticking out of his arm - try the charge of drug paraphenellia, or possession of drugs!

  7. Seems to me if you fools, pissed off with Sheriff Lewis, would not speed there would be no need for "speed traps". Put the blame where it belongs. for the speeder puts others lives in danger.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Every morning the WCSO is targeting working folks on their way to work with speed traps. They used to hide behind the bushes at Rockawalkin church until the church remove the trees/bushes looking for stop sign and cell phone use violations. Now they sit closer to Rt. 50. Pisses me off that in the summer they shoot radar on Rockawalkin Rd. but let the tourists drive 65-75 on Rt. 50 a half mile away..

    October 19, 2017 at 7:31 AM

    "Targeting." No, it's called enforcing the law.

  9. 7:31 AM - Targeting, yes, targeting people who are disobeying the speed laws, which is the whole idea behind speed enforcement. If you got ticketed for speeding, it's on you, nobody else. Try leaving home 15 minutes earlier and lighten up on the accelerator.

  10. To all the self righteous commenters: I have not received a ticket but have seen many people pulled over on Rockawalkin road. When I get to rt 50 to head toward bypass tourons are doing 65-75 in a 55 zone. WCSO sets up speed trap for people on Rockawalkin road because they know the person has a job and must pay the ticket to avoid being suspended. They aren’t doing that in the ghetto. Those people don’t pay their tickets. Rt349 should be 55mph and Rockawalkin 50 mph but that would cut down on revenue.

  11. Let’s start putting the blame where it belongs- drug dealers. The pendulum will swing back when we are fed up enough and sentences will once again reflect our outrage with good people dying at an alarming rate. Drug dealers are to blame and they profit off of the addicts misery. Some countries hang them.

  12. 12:59 Exactly!!!! They target the revenue source!

  13. . Pisses me off that in the summer they shoot radar on Rockawalkin Rd. but let the tourists drive 65-75 on Rt. 50 a half mile away..

    October 19, 2017 at 7:31 AM

    Yeah, what pisses you off is that others on 50 can speed but you can't. lol.

  14. 2:25 No, it is that the WCSO bites the hand that feeds them, the tax payers of Wico. going 50 - 55 on the straightest part of Rockawalkin rd leading to Rt. 50 who are less likely to be involved in a major accident than the people weaving in and out of traffic doing 70mph on Rt. 50.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    2:25 No, it is that the WCSO bites the hand that feeds them, the tax payers of Wico. going 50 - 55 on the straightest part of Rockawalkin rd leading to Rt. 50 who are less likely to be involved in a major accident than the people weaving in and out of traffic doing 70mph on Rt. 50.

    October 19, 2017 at 3:49 PM

    they are just doing what the cops do.

    if they spent as much time catching criminals as they do speeders smallsbury would have a lot less crime

  16. It seems that nature taking care of the opioid 'crisis' on its own.

  17. all you proud and proper citizens, along with the speed cops commenting. Just makes me proud. NOT. Just keep undermining your fellow citizens and helping the gov't do whatever they wish. They will come for you one day too.

    Enjoy what you sow.


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