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Sunday, October 29, 2017


The following letter was written privately by Joshua Miller to the Sheriff Mike Lewis but is being published publicly because its content contributes to our nation’s discussion of these issues.

Dear Sheriff Mike Lewis,

I feel compelled for some reason to address your facebook comments regarding the Baltimore players kneeling during the national anthem in protest of police brutality. You should know before I proceed, that I respect law enforcement, I have been a part of federal law enforcement for my entire career, my family and friends are in law enforcement, and they are always in my prayers. I write this email to you because I am not sure that you understood what you implied throughout your FB post or truly appreciate the history that has brought these players to their knees.
You start your post by calling the players “self-proclaimed underprivileged” black power activist—which is another way of calling them “uppity.” This loaded term carries with it the false assumption that just because these NFL players make more money than most of the people watching them, that they have no reason to speak out about the injustices within their community. Officer, this shows a scary level of ignorance on your part. For the African American community, we always rely on people with a platform to speak for those in our community that do not have a voice. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a middle-class preacher, and the people he marched with did not come from the poor black areas of the South. They were teachers, doctors, lawyers, not exclusively of course, but they were our leaders with a platform. They too were derisively described as uppity. These individuals, just like NFL players today, had it better than most black people, and honestly had it better than some poor whites economically. However, they spoke for the entire community because African Americans share a “linked fate” mindset. This mindset means we always connect the injustice that occurs to one of us– to all of us—because next time it could be us victimized by state-sponsored violence. This linked fate concept crosses class and geographical lines within our community which means a rich black man like Kaepernick on the west coast will be outraged about the killing of Eric Gardner, a poorer black man on the east coast. Its this linked fate mindset that sent Harriet Tubman, one of America’s greatest heroes, back to the south to rescue slaves. It’s a basic recognition that an injustice against someone’s else son today could be an injustice against my daughters tomorrow. Sir, whether you are aware of it or not, this “uppity” reference is racist and beneath the dignity of the office you hold.

You also mentioned the fact that the Baltimore homicide rate is very high and described it in graphic terms. But this reference to the Baltimore homicide rate has several false assumptions, ignores historical context and is part of a long line of racial justification for the mistreatment of African Americans. It ignores the fact that black people in this country endured 244 years of slavery, followed by 78 years of segregation and being lynched, followed by a brief period of civil rights laws that were followed by 32 years of mass incarceration and being redlined into ghettos. This makes up almost the entirety of African American history in this nation. In between that time, the government waged war on drugs in the black community which is noticeably different than how the government is now handling our nation’s drug problems today in our rural areas. This means that the government responded to the issues affecting black people, a group that has suffered historic oppression, with swat teams, while responding to issues affecting rural communities with social and healthcare workers. I say all that to remind you that black people did not pick themselves up from Africa, drop themselves off in ghettos and start killing each other. The problems that you highlighted in our community, such as homicides and violence, is tied directly to the how the state and federal government responded to the crisis of unemployment and drug addictions in our community. This means any protest against the police is not directed at the brave individual police officers that risk their lives for us every day. These protests are against an unjust system in which the police is continuously used as a pawn to carry out historically unfair practices.

But your comment about the Baltimore homicide rate has a more serious problem and that is—it is an implicit justification for police brutality against black people. Since the 1660s when slavery was racialized, there has always been attempt to justify the mistreatment of black people by explicitly and implicitly endorsing the idea of their inherent or cultural propensity for violence. When over 3,000 African Americans were lynched and shot and burned to death in post-reconstruction, it was all justified by the idea that blacks are dangerous even to their own. This ideology is the very definition of racism because we do not ask white males to carry the burden of crimes committed by other white males. So when you bring up the homicide rate as a response to the protest against police brutality, you are saying that all black people, like Philando Castille, deserve whatever happens because some black people commit crimes.

Lastly, on this point, African American civil rights groups, leaders, and athletes do speak up and out about violence in our community. But the issue of police brutality is about accountability. When someone in our community is accused of a violent crime, they are arrested, they lose their job, and most of the time they are convicted. The protest you see in the NFL is about the police officers that face no accountability even when they commit egregious acts like shooting into the car with a five-year-old child sitting in the back seat.

Lastly, you finish your ‘well thought’ out crafted statement by mentioning African American’s “perceived inequities” and that anyone can succeed in this country if they get off their butts and work for it. Throughout this email, I have tried to give you the benefit of the doubt and simply believe your comments reflect a lack of knowledge of our history and struggle for equality. However, this last statement is dripping with racial stereotypes. Your implication is very clear—black people are where they are because they are lazy and any inequalities they suffer is only perceived or made up. Once I read this statement, I wondered out loud if I should even respond to you because its possible that you are willfully ignorant or just a plain racist. However, it dawned on me that a lot of people think like you do, not out of racism, but because they can’t make the connection between our history and our present.

So I will make that connection for you. Our country is about 230 years old. Let’s break that up. African Americans spent about 75 years (1788-1863) out of those 230 years as slaves. This means that African Americans spent about 32 percent of our history as slaves. For almost another 78 years (1877-1850s), African Americans suffered under segregation, being lynched, being killed for no other reason than being in the wrong neighborhood and suffered from racially motivated violent mobs. This period makes up almost 33 percent of our history and when combined with slavery—it means almost 66 percent of American history is comprised of either black people being held legally as slaves or legally hung from trees for crimes as little as looking too uppity. From 1970s to around the early 2000s, black people suffered under a white backlash which manifested itself in the form of mass incarceration and the war on drugs. This period makes up about 13 percent of our history. When combined with the previous periods, Black people has spent almost 80 percent of American history either as slaves, legally lynched and segregated against or being round up by the police in mass incarceration raid. This is not a perceived inequity. These are real experiences by African Americans that are so painful that black millionaires are willing to risk their jobs to take a knee during a national ceremony.

I will finish this email by saying this. My name is Joshua Miller, and I went to High school in Salisbury Maryland, I played football for James M. Bennett High school. While I spent most of life outside of Salisbury except for the brief stint in high school, I still carry a lot of concern and hope for that city. It concerns me that as the Sheriff of this city, you lack the discipline or desire to educate yourself on these issues. I am sure we have different thoughts on the issues affecting this country. But I think our country is in trouble because our political and civil servants act impulsively, speak and tweet without giving proper weight to the consequences of their words and lack the basic empathy necessary to draw upon everything that truly makes us great as a nation. Ultimately people of all races and political stripes are looking for civil servants that are honest, fair and competent. Your Facebook post demonstrated none of that.

With that said, I have been trying my hardest to bridge the gap between our community and the police over the last several years. I would love an opportunity to speak with you and your fellow officers about these issues. I can understand at the base level how police officers must feel under attack–especially given that most police officers do their job, never get thanked for it, have a boss that likely annoys them and catch heat for every mistake. At a human level, it has to be frustrating for all police officers to be typecast based on the actions of just a few. Coincidentally, these are the burdens that every African American carry every single day. But I think we have to resist the temptation to continue to run to our respective corners, lash out at each other on social media and allow these problems to persist. Instead, we need a concrete action plan this is predicated first on understanding and appreciating the historical context to this struggle–and then coming up with practical solutions for improving the safety for the community, for officers and society as a whole.


  1. From the length of the letter, the writer clearly has too much time on his hands. He did not make a point, he preached it.

    1. He sounds like a federal Black panther.

  2. You can search and find the answers now but you don't do that. You just repeat what shake down artist say over and over. If your in FEDERAL law enforcement I hope your supervisor sees this. You need a head dr screening, lie detector test immediately. Your gun and badge should be suspended. You have a lot of HATE in you and pathological tendencys. You probably belong to a domestic terrorist Group and NOWAY should be employed by the federal government in any capacity especially law enforcement. I have a suspicion your not. Thank you for reminding me my biggest MISTAKE was voting Obama the first time.

  3. Just another victim! 🤣

  4. Points to Mr Miller for arguing his position and not merely resorting to name calling. However, he neglected to look at how much better blacks had it in the 60's just as his "period of oppression" was ending. Most of the problems blacks have these days can be traced back to the disintegration of the nuclear family. This has nothing to do with being black but lack of a good role model. Here is where black athletes could truly excel, and some have. Unfortunately, too many have disappeared after they are no longer playing the game.

  5. MLK was a woamnizer.

    1. So what? He was also brave as get out and a heroic American.

  6. 926 the man that wrote this letter is eliwuent and educated. This letter and the writer deserve much respect for it's simple but directly stated and factual information. The writer is obviously educated and expresses himself very well. Credit where credit is due. This is coming from a white , middle aged man.

    1. What? why do you need to put race in your comment? Mr white man the author is a educated shake down artist. Lewis has a platform and Miller is trying to spring board of it.

    2. Because it's relevant to the discussion. Mike Lewis is a bigoted idiot who got elected because of glad handing his constituency. The man is great for shaking hands, giving hugs, and hitting on your wife and daughter but is terrible at being a sheriff. Keep suck on his miniature pee pee and see how far that goes when you make a mistake or get on his bad side. He will drop you like a bad habit. Miller made excellent points. Lewis generalized all blacks. His comments show how he thinks. If he generalizes one race then what about someone's religion or family?

    3. @10:47 you're putting your foot in your mouth. The black community itself generalized all blacks by these NFL morons falling for all the Facebook, twitter social injustice garbage. These players are looping themselves into the same social scenario as the people and communities that the so called injustices are taking place. These players won't even ho into the neighborhoods their supposedly standing up for knowing that some jitterbug is waiting to rob them of their bling. Most of the NFL carry concealed weapons, why is that?? Because they know the mindset of their fellow black community citizens and there is always someone ready to take their S***. The same goes for most of you posting on here you yourselves know on your heart of hearts there are certain places at certain hours you just don't frequent. Why not be real about the actual problem, the majority of today's black youth are being raised by created personas by so called gangster rap artists and do everything they can to immulate that lifestyle. How many times have you said or heard "GOTTA GET 'DAT MONEY"? Grow up people except some responsibility for your actions stop playing victim and blaming any and all white men of authority

  7. Blacks were sold by there own people to Muslim slave traders ...so to me this commenter need to do his homework on his Own Race.

  8. Someone clearly missed the point.......

  9. The "poor,Self-proclaimed underprivileged, Fist Wielding, Black Power Activist" that Sherriff Lewis are referring to are the men behind the officer, not the players. (over paid players in my mind). So, first you must take a minute to step back and actually read what the Sherriff wrote, not just react. Listen first, in this case read. I don't stand with everything that the Sherriff wrote, but his intentions were good. Praising law enforcement for protecting people even though they are the same people who hate law enforcement.

  10. I see no need for this guy's letter to Sheriff's Lewis to be posted on Salisbury News or anywhere public. It is a private letter addressing issues Miller has with Sheriff Lewis. There is no reason, in my opinion, for you or me to be butting our nose into Miller's list of lengthy comments when Sheriff Lewis' gave his opinion on Facebook. Miller is spewing facts while Sheriff stated an opinion.

    I would suggest Miller investigate each of his facts for the real truth before posting them to Social Media. I am assuming he posted the personal letter to Sheriff Lewis on Social Media, for it does not say, for how else would Salisbury News obtain a copy. If Mike Lewis feels so inclined, he can answer Miller's private letter, as Mike can take care of himself, without a bunch of fools on Salisbury News involving themselves.

  11. 9:47, if you think this man is educated, that is your opinion. My opinion is he is a dummy or plain simple, (stupid). I get tired of the race card and whites making excuses for the poor black man. I am not middle age, but a white privileged ole man (72). Try to understand this point of view. "Choice", I am happy in life and eat fairly well. I don't live large, but am very comfortable. I was born on a farm in Somerset County and was considered poor, but didn't know it. I have paid for everything purchased and kept my bills paid on time. I haven't ever accepted assistance other than loans that have been paid in full by myself. Now, back to "choice". The reason I have ate well and enjoyed life is because of my own choice. I could have just as easily passed through these years bitching and complaining or sit on my back side being miserable. I am happy because I choose to work for my happiness. If anyone from Somerset reads this, they will know what I'm saying about work. When you are born in a poor county you surely know the hard chores on a farm or any other cheap labor. Sorry for the rant and getting away from the fine post the good sheriff pinned.

    1. Starting to realize everyday why I hate you crackers. #facts

    2. 1:28 Not nice at all. Racist and hateful!

    3. 1:28, you are the problem.

    4. The sheriff is an racist idiot. I'm white and I could care less if someone is black, brown or whatever. I do think victim mentality creates more problems then it solves but that being said Mike Lewis is a victim of his own ego. He's just not that important to really care about.

  12. 9:26 Have to disagree with you. There are many well made, well written points in this letter. Even if you do not agree, which it is clear you do not, you can still acknowledge a well versed argument.

    "Perceived inequality" is one of Sheriff Lewis' choice words that stand out to me. You cannot deny that this nation was at one point in time systematically created to suppress minorities. This is not my opinion, this is fact. A prime example is redlining which is mentioned by the author of this letter. Banks and the federal government denied loans to minorities and basically hand created white-only suburbs. This has been proven and information on this topic is widely available. To expect all minorities to have the same opportunities available to them after being discriminated against at a national level is asinine. They were denied advantages that white families were given and these consequences ripple through each generation of black families.

    The problem is you have people like 9:48 whose logic is so flawed they believe that since slaves were sold to merchants by rival African tribes who were also black it nullifies all points made in this letter to Joe. They are the same people who believe that simply because one black family can be millionaires or very successful that ALL black people can be afforded the same path to success. This is not true.

    One of the main concerns is that Sheriff Lewis is elected to protect us and our rights. What he is doing here is showing bias towards citizens who have chosen to use these rights. This attitude is dangerous and I have witnessed personally stereotyping of black men and women by Deputys of his department.

    1. It's hard to believe in 2017 almost 2018 your talking about slaves. Why don't you spend time helping nursing homes, dementia patients or take up sailing.

  13. 10:23, The original letter was sent to me directly from the author, that is why it is published here. It was his request that I publish it.

    1. The publisher complains about the high rate of blacks in prison ? I guess all blacks should get a free pass because of the "past" ? If you do the crime expect to do the Time ...This publisher is the prime example of blacks holding blacks back with the "Past".

    2. And it’s a great letter. Doubt Lewis will read a lick of it.

    3. Great letter except you are once again playing the victim card. There is not a job in the US a black man has not held but you failed to mention that. Second you failed to mention that in 2016 the FBI reported there were over 7000 blacks murdered by blacks. You also failed to mention that 72% of black children are born out of wedlock. Those stats are made by a choice , a lifestyle choice. One that can't be blamed on anything but the persons making that choice.

  14. Something that happened way back when....long before the publisher ever lived and was never a slave....give me a break....Thanks Sheriff Lewis for your post, the publisher has been given his five minutes of fame. Now he should move to the inner City of Baltimore and help the blacks, keep them from killing each other!!!!!

    1. Ok let's reverse that. Why doesn't Mike Lewis move to the inner city of Baltimore and see how long he survives... Of anyone should move there it should be Mike Lewis so he gets an idea of how the other side lives. Mike lives pretty well in his house in the country.

  15. I have only one thing to point out, black people of this country are not the only people in this world who have been slaves. Over the years and through many sacrifices are lives today are way better then they were 50 years ago, 100 years ago etc.

  16. Black people commit more crime than any other race this is what needs to be dealt with in the black community not White police officers. There are more white people shot by police so the whole narrative is incorrect to begin with.
    The players have NO right to protest while on company time...They cut their own throat as we watch attendance continue to drop. If this country is so bad in your view why stay surely Europe would welcome you with open arms.

    1. Worry bout your own low pay job.

  17. And this folks is why no companies want to come to the eastern shore. Unemployable racists.

    1. The true racists are the ones that play the race card over and over and over again. They need to change their so called culture. Slavery hasn't been around for over a hundred years, so using that as an excuse doesn't fly any more. Quit preaching hate, get an education and a job, quit with the excuses.

  18. Here's a solution to everyone's constant crying and bitching, if its so bad why not return to your ancestral roots, use all your energy to promote social change and build that country up. From the sound of things their in an all out civil war in sone areas. And to add to the NFL morons, quit go find employment elsewhere. Your not needed or nearly important as you thought you were

  19. MORE blame everyone but themselves.
    It's ALWAYS someone else's fault for black people.
    Further, the writer states things as facts when they are really just HIS take on history, which he presents as facts, then proceeds to make an argument based on his "facts".
    QUIT blaming everyone but yourself.
    Is your argument that black people can't ever get over slavery without decades of free housing, medical care, job training, free college, and minority contracts? Is your argument that white people make you rob banks, sell drugs, attack random strangers, remain on welfare for 60 YEARS, and go in and out of the prison system?? If WHITE PEOPLE, who they claim are racist and hateful of blacks, only helped them more, they could quit drugs, marry the father, and get a job. It must be hell to depend on people who hate you to make your lives better. Or to depend on anyone at all.
    Makes sense.
    Oh. Right.
    It's NOT your fault. Never. Ever.
    Keep believing that. Keep trying to convince everyone else, too.
    Black people are quite aware of the stereotypes used against them. The problem is, they continue to validate them. And then complain about "stereotypes". As they are bailing their 22 yr old son out of jail for the third time. Or taking in their grandkids because their daughter is a crack whore.
    Whining. That's what that article was and , no, the sky is still not green.
    keep cheering.

  20. So SICK of this Racism Culture. I'm old enough to remember MLK (yes he was not perfect), but he was a good man and understood how to conquer Racism...Racism was STIRRED UP and brought up front and center by OBAMA and his low life cronies...This is a my post and I want YOU to give This some thought. BTW, I don't agree with the letter posted here today.

    "I have often wondered about why Whites are racists, and no other race is..."

    Michael Richards makes this point...and whether we like it or not, he is telling the truth. Michael Richards better known as Kramer from TVs Seinfeld does make a good point. This was his defense speech in court after making racial comments in his comedy act. He makes some very interesting and valid points...

    There are African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Arab Americans, etc. And then there are just Americans.

    You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction. You call me 'Whitey', White boy,' 'Cracker,' 'Honkey,' 'Caveman'... And that's considered OK.

    You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you... So why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?

    You have the United Negro College Fund. You have Martin Luther King Day.
    You have Black History Month. You have Cesar Chavez Day. You have Yom Hashoah. You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi. You have the NAACP. You have BET....

    If we had WET (White Entertainment Television), we'd be racists.
    If we had a White Pride Day, you would call us racists.
    If we had White History Month, we'd be racists.
    If we had any organization for only whites to 'advance' OUR lives, we'd be racists.

    We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of Commerce, etc., etc. I wonder who pays for all of those? And then we just have the plain old Chamber of Commerce, where everyone is welcomed.

    A white woman could not be in the Miss Black American pageant, but a woman of any color can be in the Miss America or Miss USA pageant.

    If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships... You know we'd be labeled racists.

    There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US. Yet if there were 'White colleges', those would be racist colleges.

    In the Million-Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and your rights. If we marched for our race and our rights, you would call us racists.

    You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.

    You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us. But, when a white police officer shoots back at a black gang member or beats up a black drug dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society, you call him a racist.

    I am proud... But you call me a racist. Why is it that only whites can be racists?

  21. Whites were not the sole slave owners. Anthony Johnson was a slave fro Africa and was freed after several years. He moved to Somerset County, Maryland where he became a slave owner himself at his farm. He owned 4 white slaves and one black slave. If you question the source of this information click on the link below.


    As far as majority black cities continuing to suffer as ghettos after many decades, ask yourself how Japanese, German, Russian cities have totally rebuilt themselves in only a few decades after they were completely destroyed in WW II. They worked hard and did it themselves rather than sitting on the porch and waiting for someone to do it for them.

  22. Sounds to me like segregation is going to be a welcomed option for this country again!! The part of the whole ordeal I'd watching how quickly the black community already turns on the weak liberal whites when in certain crowds and surroundings. Gotta love it, people of this country boast and shout how great this country is and you've let the one thing that has torn this country apart for centuries right back in. Your true enemies aren't your white counterparts or your black counterparts its the people behind this new militant culture but mist importantly the movement behind a total Muslim world and you people are too dumb to understand they've already defeated you from within.

  23. The writer complains about all black males being blamed for the action of a few. However, that is EXACTLY what he says the NFL players are doing regarding the police. A few police officers do something wrong yet ALL officers are protested against. Typical hypocrite.


  24. I looked and didn't see 'uppity' in the sheriff's posting. It's in the lens Mr. Miller chooses to look through and appears to color his worldview. I didn't continue past the first page.

    We live, as humans everywhere always have, in an imperfect world. Mr. Miller is not part of the solution. He and those with his skewed perspective are much of the problem.

  25. 128 you called me the "c" word?! The most offensive word you can call a White person. Fyi I have NEVER WHIPPED anyone. Look up the meaning of the "C" word...Your Very offensive.. I would never crack a whip on anyone. Sad times.

  26. A high school kid wrote this? I'm impressed.

    1. It says that he was a high school and had attended JMB

  27. 9:47 Eloquent is the correct spelling

  28. Mike Lewis is a racist peice of crap that only cares about himself. This is coming from a college educated white man. Ive known Mike for years. He is a sorry excuse for a person. He couldn't reapond to this letter if he wanted to because it's so far above his education level he'd have to hire someone to pen if for him. Or order one of his cronies to write it.

  29. wah wah wah! good to see that the federal government is employing morons in all areas.

  30. Excellent use of inflammatory words, even though they are used incorrectly and in direct contrast to actual facts. Thank you for the NEW definitions. I'm sure they will be included in the next dictionary published. What a tortured and twisted mind......

  31. I am just hearing more of the victim mentality. Every race has suffered persecution and slavery. I'm not sure what the point is to continually separate humans into race. This general fight against black oppression has completely lost any meaning to the average citizen. Most of us co-exist with all ethnicities on a daily basis without incident.

  32. Anonymous said...

    October 23, 2017 at 9:10 AM

    Bravo?? What Liberal Antifa group are you in?

  33. This Clown, Joshua Miller is a black racist. Someone should contact Catholic University and let them know how racist their Doctoral Candidate is.

  34. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You can search and find the answers now but you don't do that. You just repeat what shake down artist say over and over. If your in FEDERAL law enforcement I hope your supervisor sees this. You need a head dr screening, lie detector test immediately. Your gun and badge should be suspended. You have a lot of HATE in you and pathological tendencys. You probably belong to a domestic terrorist Group and NOWAY should be employed by the federal government in any capacity especially law enforcement. I have a suspicion your not. Thank you for reminding me my biggest MISTAKE was voting Obama the first time.

    October 23, 2017 at 9:37 AM

    "If your in FEDERAL law enforcement I hope your supervisor sees this."

    He is not in Federal Law enforcement, he is mooching off the tax payers for a free graduate degree.

  35. Oh yea, you all are so underprivileged and oppressed. Your life is what YOU make it. Look at your neighborhoods. Who is causing the problems there? YOUR people. Are whites coming to your neighborhoods and causing problems? NO. Are whites killing your young blacks? NO. Who is? YOUR people. Accept YOUR responsibilities. Accept the blame. Like other people do. Stop blaming others for what YOU cause.


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