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Tuesday, October 03, 2017

NYT’s Columnist Blames Trump for Non-Existent Cholera Outbreak in Puerto Rico

Paul Krugman, one of the sitting emperors among our media elite, and who is both a New York Times columnist and Nobel Prize winner, decided to use his verified Twitter account over the weekend to falsely hold President Trump responsible for a horrible outbreak of cholera in Puerto Rico.

There is just one problem…

There is no outbreak of cholera in Puerto Rico.

Nevertheless, despite the fact he tweeted a blatantly false piece of fake news, Krugman has so far refused to delete the tweet. With its 14,000-plus re-tweets, Krugman’s lie remains published and viral:

More here


  1. There is a cholera epidemic, but it's in Haiti, where the effects of the earthquake have yet to be put right. That was left up to Bill Clinton, who, as Obama's emergency aid emissary, made a lot of money for friends, politicians and business associates, but left the country and its people hanging, despite hundreds of millions of dollars in aid earmarked for housing, food and sanitation.

  2. A$$, what does he think we are blind to his lies. That is why we voted for Trump (map)

  3. The Clintons are the Devil's work.


  4. Mr. Klugman lives his life looking in a Mirror.

  5. "It's Trump's fault I need rear brakes on my truck" (sic)

    Liberal mental illness at it's best, don't ever let facts or the truth get in the way of a story especially if you can blame Trump and his administration for it!


  6. Forget it, Jake. It's Krugman. (with apologies to Chinatown)


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