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Saturday, October 28, 2017

Nolte: Hillary Colluded with Russians to Rig Election Against Trump

Buried under countless paragraphs of outright lies or those soon-to-be retracted “bombshells” from anonymous sources, the national media will sometimes slip in a variation of the only thing we know to be true in this matter: As of now there is no evidence President Trump colluded with the Russians to rig the 2016 presidential election. The same can no longer be said for Hillary Clinton.

Although her lackeys in the media are trying to tell us that “opposition research” is the usual-usual for presidential campaigns, the Clinton campaign paying Fusion GPS millions of dollars to fabricate dirt against Trump, is nothing even close to standard operating procedure. If it was, the Clinton campaign would not have spent a full year lying to everyone about their role in producing what is now widely known as The Discredited Anti-Trump Russian Dossier.

Before we get to the proof of Hillary colluding with Russia, we need to debunk off a few of the narrative-myths the liars in the mainstream media continue to hurl.

Read more here


  1. She never intended to win. We got exactly what they had all planned for us. This is the infomercial between features and Trump is on board too. No one just gets elected. This is a distractionary time out. Both parties are petered out obsolete and Trump is an actor and a temporary plug in the Dike whilst they glean and groom the next great savoir. What comes next will be most interesting. This is not. They just have to buy time. Let a generation that remembers to die out and brainwash the new media generation that are stuck with little promise or reward. None of this is awww shucks common sense flag waving and apple pie. They are creating racial and political unrest and divisional lines and all still getting rich. Trumps affection for Generals will be the next wave and to be honest I would rather have a disciplined rational and Militaristic leader than any of these clowns that have done nothing. Bannon is prime instigator he is not so right as he a disruptor. Let the capital columns crumble along with clap board white washed churches and ill informed enslaved acolytes and slaves. LET ROME BURN. Once we have vanquished a generation that has been duped and brainwashed we can get on with the prime directive. Natural selection and imposed social order and engineering.

  2. I want to see that same picture with her inmate number below

  3. That should be her DOC numbers !!!


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