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Tuesday, October 03, 2017

NFL Players Association Head Echoes Trump: ‘Owners Are Afraid of the Players’

Comment viewed as 'racist dog whistle' when Trump said it

DeMaurice Smith, executive director of the NFL Players Association, told ESPN last week that "for the first time, the owners are afraid of the players," echoing comments made last week by President Donald Trump that were criticized by the league office.

"For the first time, the owners are afraid of the players," Smith told ESPN's Outside the Lines during a Friday interview. "The owners are used to being in control—and they aren't on this. They know it. They hate it."

Smith's statement is almost identical to comments made to Fox News the day before by Trump, who said owners were "afraid of their players." He further commented that the league was "in a box."



  1. That's what happens when you let the inmates run the asylum. The players throw around the racist labels which are kryptonite to the owners. I say stand up to the race baiting thugs and clean house. I would love to see a respectable group of players instead of the trash that populates the league today.

    1. You are spot on, football was way better 20 years ago!

  2. Well the fans aren't
    Let the money stop flowing

  3. put another f in nfl

  4. isn't it funny how everyone attacks Trump whenever he says something but when enough time goes by, he is proven correct?

  5. Go into any local bar on a sun Mon and see 30 hypocrites at a bar drinking and watching football then go outside for a smoke and say screw football.

  6. Time to Take Away Affirmative Action Laws !!!
    Sick of hearing Racist this, Racist That !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Owners have to be willing to LOSE money to man up. Problem is all are greedy old WHITE men!

  8. I think players need to be afraid of losing fans and viewers. A loyal fan base is the real boss of the NFL. And, fans are getting really fed up with the spoiled antics of the players and owners.

  9. NFL....fight club with big money and large flesh.


  10. 1:01 is correct. Players are only worth more than minimum wage because fans buy tickets and licensed goods, go to bars, buy beer, etc. When fans hit the brakes owners and players are in for a rude awakening. Currently they are buffered by existing contracts...when they come up for renewal it will be a day of reckoning for them. Players have less cushioning and will be hit first and hardest.

    Actions have consequences; you'd think players and owners might have heard that before!


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