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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

New Zealand Homes 'Not for Sale' to Foreigners Under New PM

Overseas buyers will no longer be allowed to purchase existing homes in New Zealand, Prime Minister-elect Jacinda Ardern said Tuesday, as she unveiled a raft of policy deals made with her coalition partners.

The move to tackle soaring property prices was agreed during lengthy negotiations between the Labour Party leader and populist powerbroker Winston Peters to form a new government that also includes the Green Party.

Ardern announced plans to slash immigration and focus on regional development and job creation.

"We have agreed on banning the purchase of existing homes by foreign buyers," she said, specifying that the new rules only applied to non-residents.

More here


  1. Can we ban comeheres from buying existing homes around here?

    1. Then no one would buy homes in this area.
      Be careful what you wish for.

  2. Been looking at property Canada around Nova Scotia. Better quality of life and few of the problems we have here with crime. Just have to get my temporary residency papers in order and then I can apply for permanent residency status!

  3. 1:21 Too effen cold but have fun and say hight to all the liberals that left after Trump got elected. FYI, leave your guns here, they don't like them north of the border.

  4. Enjoy Canada's 'health system'.

  5. 12:17 I think all the indigenous North Americans have already been herded into camps so what comeheres do you mean?

  6. 1:44 my aunt (by marriage) is Canadian and she has an armoire full of rifles. They're just not idiots about it like we are.

    1. Why don't you move to Canada fool.

  7. 1:44
    Most of the people there are not liberals, but everyday working folks. They have a different outlook on life and a love for life that we in this country, seems to have lost. They don't have to deal with the human garbage that we have here. I think the colder climate keeps most of them away.

    Actually their summers last almost as long as ours. I was just there back in mid September. Temps were in the Seventies with low humidity. They grow the same crops as we do, plus potato's. Most of the food is not GMO like here.

    They have restrictions on this. Unlike Maryland, most of the people are very friendly and welcoming. Like here the Ocean moderates the climate, so winters are not as bad as you think. They only have few bad months of snowy weather and most of the people there are used to it, and have generators and are for the most part, self sufficient.

    When I was there in mid September, people were still swimming in the ocean on Prince Edward Island. Lots of open space with few of the problems. You don't have to be liberal to want to move to Canada. All countries have their problems, but I didn't find as many in Canada.

  8. October 25, 2017 at 1:21 PM
    LOL go please.... talk about a government out of control.

  9. Many of us don't wish to leave the Country in which we were born.
    That doesn't mean we approve of the US government.

    The government is not us.
    It is a mafia extortion racket.

    Wake up folks.
    Disliking this evil government is not the same as disliking the Country (the place).
    Stop identifying yourself with a corrupt government.
    And stop volunteering to get paid to go kill in our name, armed and commanded by this evil corrupt government.

    Get it?


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