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Monday, October 23, 2017

Most Signatories Are ‘Ignoring’ or ‘Abandoning’ Paris Climate Commitments

Following President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord, a number of other nations have quietly begun ignoring the Paris energy goals, according to a new report out of Canada.

According to Lawrence Solomon of Energy Probe, a Toronto-based environmental organization, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is one of the only signers of the Paris agreement who is actually abiding by the exacting demands of the accord.

Meanwhile, Solomon notes in an essay in Friday’s Financial Post, “most signatories are ignoring, if not altogether abandoning Paris commitments, undoubtedly because voters in large part put no stock in scary global warming scenarios.”

“Trudeau now stands almost alone in sincere support of Paris,” Solomon writes.



  1. Once the Golden Goose left the barnyard, those who were gathering the eggs left the farm.

  2. USA and Syria are the only two countries that haven't signed.


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