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Thursday, October 05, 2017

Most Mass Shootings Linked to SSRIs, But MSM Ignores in Vegas Coverage

Virtually every mass shooter was on psychiatric drugs, a compelling fact the mainstream media – which is funded by Big Pharma ad revenue – is ignoring while covering the Las Vegas shooting.

But it’s a fact worth investigating: the suspect, 64-year-old Stephen Paddock, was “a normal guy who must have snapped,” according to his brother – and his father was described as a “psychopath” who was once on the FBI’s most-wanted list.

So the suspect just “snapped.” Now where have we heard this before? This is the default description given by nearly every friend or relative of a mass shooter.

Why is that? Because most mass shooters were on anti-depressants which contributed to the “snapping.”

“SSRIs, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, are the pharmaceutical companies latest cash cows,” wrote Dr. Moira Dolan. “Their use has skyrocketed in the last 10 years.”

“Nicknamed ‘Chemical Babysitters’ and designated anti-depressants, they are causing dozens of murders, thousands of psychoses and are altering the minds of millions of users.”



  1. A Godless life ends in a Godless death.

  2. They're all horrid drugs.

  3. So...what you're saying is we need to work more on our mental healthcare system? Wait a second, didn't Trump just roll back legislation that prevented people with diagnosed mental conditions/diseases whatever you want to call it, from buying guns? For example, 33 guns in one year? Anyone care to debate?

  4. 12:52pm

    No Trump did not. What the regulation did was take the right to own guns from people who had to depend on others to keep their finances. The regulation he rolled back did more to disarm helpless people and it did nothing to address the problem of gun crime, gun violence or straw man purchases.

    33 guns in one year, yeah all he needed was a collectors permit. I am pretty sure you can fill that out the same day you buy the guns.

    I have no issue with it at all. Debate yourself. You are living in the wrong place if you think anyone cares about your anti-gun rhetoric.

    Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in a long time. I am thrilled he is in office. So enjoy the next 3-7 years.

  5. The Clinton's are on those drugs.

  6. 12:52 - Sure - you want to debate? The 0bama rules allowing those on social security to have guns seized because of mental illness have taken from the wrong person many times (hope you are smart enough to get this point).
    Taking peoples rights away because they have a mental illness. Ok, you losers on the left do not want profiling which probably would save more lives than limiting rights of the mentally ill. You have no problem with killing 500,000 babies per year - based on the idea that it is a right. I am not even going to discuss individual suicide rights that are gaining momentum. Criminals have more rights than anyone thanks to losers like you. Now you want to come at us with this BS about taking guns from people that are mentally ill. I could go on for days. However, simply put, limiting the rights of the mentally ill will not save a fraction of the lives that the democrat policies kill each year.


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