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Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Millennial Congresswoman: Free college isn’t working in New York

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) is the youngest women in history to serve in the United States Congress. Elected at age 30, she is now in her second term at age 33. Stefanik is aware of the day-to-day challenges millennials face and serves as the voice for young people by heading up the House GOP Millennial Task Force. In an interview with Red Alert Politics, she discussed the concerns she sees with college affordability and student loan debt.

Free college programs have seen a spike in popularity following Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign. This fall, Stefanik’s home state of New York now offers free tuition for in-state residents who attend the New York State or City college. The program costs the state millions and Stefanik warns against this free-for-all type of spending.

“Well, you’re going to have to pay for it somehow, and often times that translates into higher taxes and a bigger portion of the budget. I do think that it hasn’t worked as it was proposed in New York state,” she said.

Studies have shown that free college solutions are costly and often help traditional students, more so than providing additional resources to low-income students who utilize already existing aid to cover the cost of college. Non-traditional students are defined as students who need the most financial assistance as undergraduates who often have dependents or work full-time and attend school part-time.



  1. I kind of thought that "women" was the plural of the word, "woman" which is used to describe one single female human being. But, what do I know, I never went to a free college?

  2. I paid for my college, and worked at the school and in a grocery store. I applied to get any scholarship I qualified for. Why should I be taxed to pay for someone else yo go free?

  3. Free only means they want more, free isn't free enough.

  4. With a failure rate that far and away tops that of people who fund their own college educations, this is obviously a huge waste of money. It's about "feelings", not reality.

  5. Someone from CONgress omitted Free isn't FREE?



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