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Monday, October 30, 2017

Mike Pence: U.S. Will Direct Humanitarian Programs in the Middle East; No More U.N. Funding

Vice President Mike Pence told Christian leaders from the Middle East gathered in the nation’s capital for the annual In Defense of Christians summit on Wednesday that President Donald Trump has directed the U.S. State Department to stop relying on the United Nations to provide humanitarian aid to persecuted religious minorities in the region.

“My friends, those days are over,” Pence said, adding that the Obama administration paid more than one billion dollars for humanitarian aid, with the majority of the funding funneled through the U.N.

“Yet the United Nations has too often failed to help the most vulnerable communities, especially religious minorities,” Pence said. “The result has been that countless people continue to suffer and struggle needlessly.”

Pence called it a “sad reality” that the main U.N. presence in terror-ridden places like Syria and Iraq is their flag posted on abandoned buildings in places where persecuted Christians are not even present.

“And while faith-based groups with proven track records and deep roots in these communities are more than willing to assist, the United Nations too often denies their funding requests,” Pence said.



  1. Bravo! About time!

  2. Screw the middle east! We got people right here needing help, Houston for one!

  3. Still, only about 10% of the aid will actually make into the hands of the intended.

  4. The middle man always takes his cut. Eliminate the middle man whenever possible.


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