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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Michigan Man Gains Joint Custody Of Child He Had With 12-Yr Old Rape Victim- She’s Not His Only Victim

Christopher Mirasalo raped a 12-year-old girl when he was 18, and now at 27 he has been awarded to have joint custody of the child that was conceived.

The girl, now a 21, was not the only victim of Mirasalo’s. Christopher, now 27, was convicted of raping another child in a separate incident.

In Brown City, Michigan, Mirasalo has been given joint custody of the child conceived in that first rape case in 2008, has also served a separate four years in prison for his sexual assault of a second child.

The woman, 21, is using any legal method at her disposal to prevent Mirsalo from having access to her child, using the Rape Survival Child Custody Act. The woman’s attorney is arguing that since Mirasalo had both forcibly raped and threatened her with death threats as a child in September of 2008 he should be prevented from having any access.



  1. Now she is 21 he can have sex with her and it's legal!

  2. Many years ago this happened to me in Salisbury (very close example) and the judge basically said the same thing. People a insane and judges are Gods you cannot stop.

  3. maryland is one of the few states that does not have a law preventing this!
    prolly cause the dems will want to see the product of their desires!

  4. He didn't actually TRY to get custody. His victim applied for welfare benefits to help raise her child and since he's the "father" the state goes after him for support. Which opens the can of worms of custody.


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