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Friday, October 06, 2017

Michelle Obama: Americans Don’t Trust Politics, Because GOP Is ‘All Men, All White’

Michelle Obama is out screaming about racism yet again. She never gets tired of the lie. Yesterday, she was at the Pennsylvania Conference for Women, where she put forth that when she attended the State of the Union address she noticed the Republican side was “all men, all white,” and that was why she argued many people of color “don’t trust politics.” Now, that is actual racism right there. Of course, she was bloviating on this under the guise of diversity. She said, “We should be working actively to mix it up, so we’re getting a real broad range of perspectives on every issue. Shoot, I would see that in Congress.” What she means is, as a militant black woman, she wants to see all of Congress be black with a severe shortage of white men.

She was far from done, “At the State of the Union address … when you are in the room what you can see is this real dichotomy. It’s a feeling of color almost. On one side of the room is literally gray and white. Literally, that is the color palette on one side of the room. On the other side of the room, there are yellows and blues and whites and greens. Physically, there’s a difference in color, in the tone, because on one side all men, all white, on the other side some woman, some people of color.”



  1. It's not racism, it's an observation lol. Now, racism would be if you owned an apartment complex and rented the same rooms to a white and a black family. Except you charged the black family more.

  2. Yes michelle, that is exactly why we do not trust politics. Lets just forget about your lying POS husband and blame it all on the GOP which of course has no black or hispanic people. michelle you are probably a bigger POS than your husband.

  3. She needs to get the padded room next to Hillary.

  4. I hate him more every time he opens his mouth. (map)

  5. Instead of just "the wall" build a moat around the USA for all the dispicables preferably in the hurricaine zones.

  6. But OBAMA is half WHITE.

  7. 1:29 no, she needs to have a plot next to Hillary's in Arlington.

  8. Michelle has short term memory loss, when her husband ran for office he was always showing pictures of his white grandmother and referring to this great lady and what she stood for, and remember all his white friends and Americans who voted for him, he would not have been in office without us. The people he met on the road up will be the same ones he meets on the way down, your days will come, God himself will deal with you, and see right through you.

  9. I hate politics because they cheat the tax payer abuse their travel arrangements. just like her and her husband became millionaires while never having a job other than political. How much did she abuse travel expenses when she was in the WH? How much are her and her husband abusing travel expense since they left DC? Democrats give away more tax dollars and increase the deficit instead of lowering the debt.

  10. The scumbags screaming "racism" are the true racists.

  11. What a shallow thinker. Did she even graduate from school? I can't believe she doesn't realize how racist her comments are.

  12. The black caucus, they are all black. Hmmmmm. NAACP, all black. Black panthers, all black. What's her point?


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