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Monday, October 09, 2017

Mia Love LEVELS Michelle Obama: ‘I Am a Black Republican Who Cares About America’

A few days ago, former First Lady Michelle Obama made some racist comments about the Republican Party. She continued the divisive rhetoric we’ve all grown used to hearing during her husband’s two terms as President. Here’s what she said, “It’s a feeling of color, almost. On one side of the room, it’s literally gray and white, literally, that’s the color palette on one side of the room. On the other side of the room, there’s yellows and blues and whites and greens. Physically, there’s a difference in color, in the tone. Because one side, all men, all white. On the other side, some women, some people of color.”

As always, the Left sees everything in terms of color. People who see always and only, color, when they look at other people? There’s a term for those folks. They are sounding and acting a lot like racists. It is simply ridiculous how the political Left cannot get through a day without referencing race.



  1. Did Michelle get into a bad batch of acid, or what?

  2. And she doesn't have a clue about the MLK, Jr. speech "I have a dream." He hoped that "someday his children would be judged by their character, and not the color of their skin." If we judge HER by her character, we can only assume she is a racist, and dishonors all that MLK Jr tried to teach America.

  3. She's as dumb as she looks.


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