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Saturday, October 14, 2017

'Megyn Kelly Today': Celebrities Refuse to Appear as Ratings Collapse

As we predicted after the Jane Fonda debacle two weeks ago, celebrities are blacklisting Megyn Kelly’s third hour of Today.

Variety reports that publicists have no desire for their clients to sit down with Kelly. Bad reviews and even worse ratings are only part of the problem. From out of the gate, Kelly bungled celebrity interview after celebrity interview. And now, no one wants to put a client through that potential embarrassment:

“I’m not booking anyone on her show,” says a high-powered publicist, with a roster of big names, who asked for anonymity due to her overall relationship with “Today.” “I literally haven’t pitched anyone even from right out the gate. The buzz that is out there is so bad.”

Another well-known publicist, who represents one of the celebrities who has appeared on Kelly’s show, wasn’t pleased with the interview. “I won’t plan to have others go on,” the publicist said. “None specifically have been offered or asked to, but it’ll be my preference not to.”



  1. She was well suited for Fox but her ego took over. We have witnessed another crash and burn of someone who wrote checks they could not cash.

  2. She had it made at Fox. Superstar with a ......wait for it......20 MILLION dollar a year contract.
    she started believing her own hype.

    She'll be doing the weather in St. Louis in another year.

  3. Karma's a bitch. When your hat is getting to big for your head, it's time to go on a humble pie diet.

  4. Meg honey, how does that crow taste babe? Humble pie for duhhhhsert!!

    Bank that cash girl!

  5. She's a liberal just like them.

  6. She could have written her own ticket on Fox but she squandered the chance in favor of divisive chanting suited to lesser tabloids. Smart woman, but stupid woman.

  7. Thats what happens when you turn on the conservatives.

  8. She is headed to CNN like the other females that left FOX. They will gladly take her ego and non-conservative views.


  9. FOX provided the platform for her to get into the public eye, and she did fairly well. But ego got in the way, and her transition showed that left to her own devices and those of the NBC product planners there wasn't much substance to her. No tears for her.


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