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Friday, October 06, 2017

Many Americans Side With President Trump On NFL Anthem Protests

The political debate surrounding national anthem protests at National Football League games intensified this week after players declined to stand during the playing of "The Star-Spangled Banner" after the mass shootings in Las Vegas.

Before the Monday Night Football game between the NFL franchises in Kansas City and Washington D.C., two Kansas City players sat on the bench during the playing of the anthem, while all of the Washington players stood with their arms locked.

The controversy started last season when former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick chose to kneel during the anthem to protest what he described as injustices faced by people of color, particularly at the hands of police officers. Last month, the issue resurfaced with greater urgency when President Trump condemned players who refused to stand for the anthem. He later called for fans to boycott NFL games unless team owners stopped the protests.

Some players, coaches and team owners criticized the president, characterizing his rhetoric as divisive. Former NFL player and NASA astronaut Leland Melvin called Trump's comments "boorish and disgusting" in a letter posted on Facebook. Last week, he told Here & Now's Robin Young that Trump's remarks about NFL players "incensed" him.

"I really think that, when the announcer in the stadium says, 'Rise to honor our veterans,' by no means is [Colin] Kaepernick, or anyone taking a knee, in any way wanting to dishonor the service of police officers, or people who are fighting in our wars," Melvin says, "but it's an injustice that's happening in our streets, it's an inequality, it's things that have been stemmed from slavery and the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, all of these foundational documents that define our democracy. That's what matters."



  1. Haven't watched a game since their traitorous act. Won't ever go back.

  2. How did "slavery" get into this discussion? Next will be "racism" Just more BS.

    1. Because 200 years ago slave trade was a major import and export of all countries. Its important for toxic people to keep the fear going and make money of it.

    2. Simple...liberals always resort to emotive topics because no one would listen otherwise.

  3. Slavery was in America for 400 years America didn't become it's own country until 1776 and slavery was abolished in 1865...So America only had slavery for less than 1 quarter of the time. When you factor in building a government after the Revolutionary war establishing states and creating laws and then fighting a war to end slavery you really cannot call America a bad country because they ended slavery pretty quickly.

  4. Obama Crooked BastardoOctober 6, 2017 at 1:09 PM

    Very confused NFL players in London decided to protest American flag and the Anthem, while standing for God Save the Queen, WTH? Did they read about history of slavery and who started it? English started it before this land was even called America. Why didnt any of those "oppressed millionaires" stay in England? Because they are Hypocrites led by the biggest Hypocrite NFL Commissioner Goddell. So, Screw the National Felony League!

  5. Not one had his hand on their heart because they don't have one. (map)


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