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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Listen to Trump's Phone Call with a Gold Star Family


  1. Just listen to the TRUTH...amazing the lies that are told and repeated constantly...

  2. The lies are on;y told and repeated becasue of how stupid you people are, or the attention span of a gold fish you have... People will do what they know they can get away with, politicians are in that category... If you people actually cared and gave a damn to stop this mess or fix this mess, it would be done... Instead, you do nothing so you have the ability to complain about how it is not being done...

    The media, the govt and most people know that if they repeat is enough times, you will just agree with it or to it, and that it must be true... Even Katt Williams said the same thing about MJ, aka Michael Jackson, and come to find out it is not true, never was true, and was done to tarnish his name becasue of what he knew and was going to come out with, and so the bashing began and they used little boys as the fire, and you all gobbled it up hook, line and sinker...

    People act as if no one is out here to control things, you act as if there is no evil doing evil things and when someone says yes there is evil here it is and how it is being done, you bad mouth them like everyone else, but yet you don't know shit about the subject becasue you are to lazy to investigate it... How do you know that the people you believe or listen to, are not liars??? How do you know they were not give bad info as well??? You don't but you keep on perpetuation the hate...

  3. She was brainwashed by Congresswoman Wilson she needs to be FIRED.

  4. 216, where did that come from? No meds today?

  5. I dont see the problem here?? That was a very very personable call from one of the busiest people in the world.I just dont see what the left is talking about


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