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Sunday, October 29, 2017

Leah Wright Convicted of Sex Offenses At Mitchell's Martial Arts


  1. Needs new management and has a bad reputation in the community. Parents be careful there

  2. The place needs to close

    1. Blows my mind this half rate business is still operating.

  3. Will they let the parents out of there contracts due to fearing for there child’s saftey?

    1. Never, do a court case search and you’ll see hundreds of people they sue. A complete rip off. They lock you into a contract and whether you’re happy with their service or not you will continue to pay. That is the only reason why this dump stays in business. Hundreds and thousands of dollars they have sued the people on DelMarva for. Pretty ridiculous when you sign your kids up and realize this Place has crappy martial art instruction and you want to disenroll them and sign them up at a better facility. You do it then down the road can’t get a house loan or approved for any credit because you ha place has crappy martial art instruction and you want to disenroll them and sign them up at a better facility. You do it then down the road can’t get a house loan or approved for any credit because you Were sued because you didn’t want to pay for a crappy service. They should do a 30 day written notice like every other business does. It’s easier to get out of a Verizon contract then his crap hole.

  4. Bring Conrad back and get rid of the new manager. He kept a good eye on program

    1. Lol. I really hope that is a joke considering the person charged was Conrad’s son. Mitchell’s has done a really good job using the good old boy network and trying to sweep this under the rug.

  5. Time to close there doors. The place needs to .be looked at by all licensing agencies child safety is key. Parents watch your kids

  6. The place is a dump and unsafe for children

  7. So what happened to the white boy?

    1. Says in article Nov date coming up and Joe posted his 1st court date and outcome months ago

  8. I used to really love the program but it lost a place in my heart. Mel and Rs the love is just lost and the program is ideas

  9. Sorry, but this is a fine place. No amount of management can prevent employees from sneaking off and doing bad things, and when things came to light, it stopped and new procedures implemented. There have beed 7 or more shootings in town in the last 3 weeks or so, and nothing has happened at Mitchell's since this crime.

    Maybe we should better close down the City Hall of Salisbury. They are doing much more damage to the Citizenry than anyone else.

    1. Is this Justin? The one who constantly defends them? Maybe feeling guilt for something you did In he past? Yes management can prevent this. Lazy owners who are always in Hawaii and they put young adults and kids in charge. Any other area except DelMarva and this place would of been closed by the child care department. Also, no parent would take their child to this place because of numerous events and the reputation they now have. The owners and just need to hang up and retire. This was one of the worst cases any martial arts schools have ever had. They are talked about on numerous industry social media pages about everything that is wrong with this industry. I have ran a school for close to 30 years and have never had a single incident. I have numerous employees. I micromanage, I am always with the students and staff. I find it completely absurd that people go there and the owners are so arrogant and continue to operate. Melody had a lawyer do her talking? What a joke. They need to shut down. They are giving all martial artist a bad name. Just look at the lack of quality then go checkout other schools and compare. Alway sad when a person realizes they wayside valuable time and money and their kid still couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag.

    2. Nice try Justin. This place is a dump and you're part of the problem. Tool.

  10. The program is dead in my heart. Mel it might be time to close the doors. I really believed in the program but now it is just gone. Time to hang it up

  11. That place is a sex offender registry and it needs to be closed down. Only an idiot will let their kids attend anything in that building.

  12. Anonymous said...
    So what happened to the white boy?

    October 26, 2017 at 6:57 PM

    Sounds like a racist posting this!

  13. Mike Farlow from Pittsville and the Pittsville Volunteer Fire Department is her attorney! WTH!!

    Defendant Information

    Name: Wright, Leah Corinn
    Race: BlackSex:FemaleHeight:5'7"Weight:120
    HairColor: BlackEyeColor:Brown
    DOB: 08/01/1995
    Address: 11301 Old Princess Anne Road
    City: Princess AnneState:MDZip Code:21851

    Attorney(s) for the Defendant


  14. Thank you for covering this Joe. It proves to everyone that if one of your advertisers messes up you won’t be part of the good old boy network and cover it up.

  15. Stuff has been going on there for years. And I pray there are no other victims who have not yet come forward. I cant believe anyone would allow their child to attend. Just a suspicion alone would make me as a parent run the other way. Saw one of their vans the other day and just shook my head that some continue to support them. What is wrong with people.

  16. Bob what is your role in the change? You are a man that is a mystery to all of us. The parents really question your ideas and values. . The values of martial arts are gone and leadership is poor . Time to go to Hawaii and grow coffee Mel and rs

  17. I don't care about any contract when it comes to my kids. They can take me to court for their money. My kid will not go anywhere I don't feel safe about.

  18. Call Mitchell’s martial arts to cancel the event. 410 341 3333

  19. aww, it was all just a misunderstanding. they were trying to teach her what to do IF someone tried to rape her...

  20. Why isn't child welfare all over this? No way, just no way I would let my child go to this place.

  21. There are more victims.

  22. Melody? I thought the place was owned and run by R.S. Black belt.

    1. She is his wife and runs the business. R.S. is sales. He couldn't run a business.

  23. I pulled my kids and will let them sue me for the money! The place has gone downhill quick and has no signs of improving.

  24. Rs Mitchell also owns Atlantic tactical firearms instructors. I wouldn't take a class from those clowns again. This is the second time that they have had a sex assault on children case.


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