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Sunday, October 08, 2017

Las Vegas 4th Floor Shooter? You Decide.


  1. If there were a shooter in that room they would know it as soon as they opened the door. The smell of burnt gunpowder would be the give away.

  2. There's video 2 hours before the shooting with the same light from same room. Its been proven to be a strobe light.

    1. Exactly. Just one more reason why basement dweller hypothesis gets you no where.

    2. Can you really blame people for questioning the official narrative with the history of false flags our shadow government has conducted.
      You can start with operation gladio


  4. Watch the Fox new reporter from this morning. He was standing in front of the hotel and there was a flashing light middle way

  5. Please don’t tell me we are starting this conspiracy garbage already ......

  6. To get the guns and ammo to his room, he had help. He was the shooter, but I believe others made it possible for him to get as far as he did. I also read he had antifa literature in his room. If he was a part of this group, the media and government are not reporting this. It's a war on conservative, white people. The second civil war has started.

  7. This was the guys that work for Hillary.

  8. it's been debunked already plus those windows do not open, and no other windows were broken other than on the 32nd floor.

    There is also another video being shared on FB that suggests another shooter on the ground which also has to be false, along with those theories of a second shooter.

    Every time something like this happens, which is all too frequent, people put on their tin foil hats and make conspiracies where there are none. It's fine to have theories but at least make them reasonable and not distracting.

    1. You have not been on a rifle range or in combat as I..... I can clearly hear in the video a auto 308 round going off, and @ the same time a auto 223 round... I am very familiar with those weapons....there was another shooter

  9. So was this new shooter shooting thru the glass windows using magic?

    You can't open the windows.

  10. the Bellagio was on lock down because of gunfire and someone shooting out their front windows.

    to those poking fun at the conspiracy folk, we all laugh at your ignorance. Nevada PD is already saying there were more than one person.

    enjoy the sand ostriches.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    the Bellagio was on lock down because of gunfire and someone shooting out their front windows.

    to those poking fun at the conspiracy folk, we all laugh at your ignorance. Nevada PD is already saying there were more than one person.

    enjoy the sand ostriches.

    October 5, 2017 at 6:24 PM

    MGM Resorts International owns and operates 13 resorts and casinos in Las Vegas, including Mandalay Bay, ARIA, Bellagio, Circus Circus, Delano, Excalibur, Luxor, MGM Grand, The Signature at MGM Grand, The Mirage, Monte Carlo, New York-New York, and Vdara.

    The whole strip was locked down because of the shooter at Mandalay Bay. There was no other shootings or shooters. Nevada police have NOT said there was another shooter. Ole Alex might have but take that with a grain of salt.

    Blogger Zorro said...
    You have not been on a rifle range or in combat as I..... I can clearly hear in the video a auto 308 round going off, and @ the same time a auto 223 round... I am very familiar with those weapons....there was another shooter

    October 5, 2017 at 6:33 PM

    Sigh. I don't care where you have been, you were not there. You heard the gunshots like everyone else. On tv or a video. Echos. Sounds bouncing off buildings. Different sounds depending on the distance from the microphone. You might have heard different sounding ammo since he had multiple rifles and handguns in the hotel room, but it wasn't at the same time. So much for your expert advice.

    The police agencies on the scene don't even know all the facts yet, certainly, no one on a blog knows more than they. You people can hold onto your fairy tale theories if you want but sitting in your armchair coming up with your heroic solutions based only on what you think without doing an ounce of research is distracting at best.

    Wait for all the facts to come in and stop spreading the rumors.

  12. October 5, 2017 at 6:33 PM:

    Man, you are spot on with your observations. I have listened to the audio repeatedly, and is it clear that two automatic weapons are being fired simultaneously. As a bump stock modified weapon REQUIRES two hands to operate the weapon in automatic mode (the trigger hand to hold on the trigger, and the other hand to put forward force on the front of the rifle), it is not possible for one shooter to do that. There were shots coming from two windows in that suite at the same time. One shooter got away. Law enforcement wants to paint all of the first responders and tactical teams as heroes (for showing up at the room after the "lone shooter" allegedly killed himself an hour earlier), and won't ever acknowledge that their slow response allowed a shooter to get away.

  13. October 6, 2017 at 9:03 AM

    you and millions of others. In just about every situation like this shooting, a lot of people falsely believe there are more shooters. Don't you think there are cameras all over the place in that hotel? ESPECIALLY in Vegas. If anyone left that room it would be captured on video, at multiple places and angles.

    You may believe you heard two weapons firing simultaneously, or otherwise, but it's just not true and has already been discussed and dismissed.

    First, it was the fourth floor, then someone in the crowd itself, now another person in the room where the shooting actually happened. What's next?

  14. Law enforcement is desperately trying to find a narrative that justifies their response to the mass killer(s). So far, they are unsuccessful.

  15. You may believe you heard two weapons firing simultaneously, or otherwise, but it's just not true and has already been discussed and dismissed. October 6, 2017 at 10:57 AM:

    In the military, I had many occasions to hear and see simultaneous live firing of multiple automatic weapons. The audio of the Vegas shooting absolutely mimics the sound of multiple automatic weapons being fired simultaneously. I doubt you can tell the difference, weather it be one, or more than one weapon being fired, if you have no experience with the sounds. You can believe what law enforcement tells us in this case..... and also that Kennedy was killed by a lone shooter, shooting at a moving car with a bolt action single shot rifle, from a upper floor library window. And that's why the Warren commission made their conclusion and immediately SEALED all evidence, used for that conclusion, for decades after the fact.

    You drink the KoolAid, but I'd rather question law enforcement and THEIR motives in directing a desired outcome, rather than a truthful one.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Law enforcement is desperately trying to find a narrative that justifies their response to the mass killer(s). So far, they are unsuccessful.

    October 6, 2017 at 12:30 PM

    A narrative that justifies their response to a shooter? Whatever would you mean by that? There was a shooter, the police responded. Not fast enough for you? Is that what you mean? Other police and security guards (who were wounded when the (lone) shooter fired through room door), waiting for a SWAT team? Is that the narrative you are searching for?

    Such a broad statement. No definition at all yet a grade of unsuccessful all the same. I don't think something is wired correctly in some of your brains. Something is not plugged in.

  17. October 6, 2017 at 12:45 PM

    Oh for gosh sake. Being in the military makes you no expert in this instance. I was in the military also, as well as millions of others. So what? Big deal. People are people. Humans make mistakes, no matter their training or experience.

    Being on a range watching a live-fire exercise, or even in combat, does not fit this narrative. You don't have buildings, signs, other sounds mixing in, nothing, in the field while rounds are being sent down range.

    We ALL want the truth. But to suggest an ENTIRE police agency, as well as others, along with medics and other personnel would conspire to support any cover-up, lie for whatever crazy scenario you people have implanted in your heads is just utter bs, nonsense.

    You can believe whatever you like, but at least back it up with facts, science, anything. What you THINK you hear is neither.

    No one has to think the same or believe the same things. I'm not even suggesting that. Exploring other avenues is key in developing true facts, as well as ruling out others that are not.

    But there HAS to be more to finding truth or dismissing rumors than mere gut feelings or something remembered from years past. It just doesn't work that way. Bring some facts to the table.

  18. Oh yeah, law enforcement will NEVER make up a conclusion, and every trial results in a guilty verdict. Law enforcement NEVER has a reason, or motive, to paint a picture that isn't true. Go ahead and believe that. This investigation is political, not a search for truth. That suite had an adjoining suite door that the tactical team had to breach AFTER breaching the door to the room that the one shooter was found. And I know about machine guns and how they sound, one at a time, and more than one at a time. I'm NOT talking about being on a range practice shooting. I know what it sounds like when I'm shooting one and when they are shooting at me. I KNOW what I hear in that video. I don't need any KoolAid to explain what I heard. Investigations on this scale and their results have more to do with political motives and a desired narrative (although some can't comprehend what that means)than any truth. Nothing is disclosed to the public unless APPROVED by the highest political and departmental levels. Information is selectively released for a reason, and its not for letting the public know the truth, and nothing but the truth.

  19. October 6, 2017 at 9:11 PM

    lol what can I say? ur just nuts

  20. October 6, 2017 at 9:11 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    October 6, 2017 at 9:11 PM

    lol what can I say? ur just nuts

    October 8, 2017 at 10:15 AM

    did I win? lol


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