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Thursday, October 05, 2017

Kirstie Alley Blames Las Vegas Mass Shooting on Psychiatric Drugs

Kirstie Alley spoke about the Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock, who killed at least 58 people and injured more than 500 others at the Route 91 Harvest Festival on Sunday, October 1, in the most lethal mass shooting in modern U.S. history.

The Cheers alum, 66, sparked controversy on social media when she blamed 64-year-old Paddock’s actions on prescription medication. “We have to solve the mystery of why there are no ‘shooters’ or almost 0 before the 1980s. I know one common denominator other than guns,” Alley tweeted on Monday, October 2. “One additional common denominator of ‘shooters’ is U.S.A.’s mass usage of psychiatric drugs. A % do have side effects of violence and suicide.”

“Did you really just say that? Sit down. 58 people are dead,” Florida-based ABC reporter Derek Shore told Alley.

“Yes I did say it,” she responded. “It happens to be a common denominator in shooters..one that didn’t exist before the ‘80s.. not my opinion. Statistic based.”



  1. Another crazy scientologist

  2. Valium had zero to do with what happened.

  3. Why would it be a surprise that she would say this? She is a Scientologist and they don't believe in psychiatric drugs.

  4. she is not the only person saying this

  5. I really don't doubt this at all. I once found myself mildly biting my dentist's hand when being given nitrous oxide. Told him to take it away and have never had it since. My hand surgeon said to me last month, "All drugs are poison, it's just that some of them have useful side effects".

    I'll agree with that.

  6. This is a toxic problem in the US. Just because an individual is more recognizable or famous does NOT mean that their opinions should be given any more thought than the next idiot. Remind me again what her background in pharmacology/psychiatry is like?


  7. "All drugs are poison, it's just that some of them have useful side effects".

    I love it. Absolutely right.

  8. What are the side effects of the legal speed she hocks for weight loss?


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