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Monday, October 02, 2017

Kevin McCarthy blames healthcare failure on 'one or two' senators who want to 'hold everything up'

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy lamented Saturday the Senate's inability to pass a bill overhauling Obamacare, and placed the blame for its failure to do so on "one or two" senators who want to "hold everything up."

"Leadership has done all the battle going in there," McCarthy, R-Calif., told MSNBC of Senate leadership. "To me, it seems one or two individuals wants to hold everything up, and that's the frustration I've had with the history of the Senate, where one individual can hold everything up."

The Senate revived its attempts to overhaul the 2010 healthcare law earlier this month with legislation from Sens. Bill Cassidy, R-La., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. But those efforts collapsed earlier this week when it became clear there was not enough support from Republican senators for the bill to pass.

Republican Sens. Rand Paul of Kentucky, John McCain of Arizona, and Susan Collins of Maine all came out against the Graham-Cassidy proposal ahead of an expected vote, and others were skeptical of it.



  1. They should not be exempt. All Politians should also be under Obamacare. There should be no exemptions. They will fix it in a week by repealing and replacing it.

  2. Two that want full repeal and out of politicians' hands...

    I'm with Two.


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