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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Judges in Hawaii, Maryland Block Latest Version of Trump's Travel Ban

Just hours before President Donald Trump's latest travel ban was to take full effect, a federal judge in Hawaii blocked the revised order, saying the policy has the same problems as a previous version.

The revised order "suffers from precisely the same maladies as its predecessor," U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson wrote in his ruling, which prevented the Trump administration from enforcing the travel ban set to go into effect early Wednesday.

It was the third set of travel restrictions issued by the president to be thwarted, in whole or in part, by the courts.

A federal judge in Maryland quickly followed suit with a similar ruling. U.S. District Judge Theodore Chuang also granted a nationwide preliminary injunction late Tuesday.

Chuang's ruling said the administration had "not shown that national security cannot be maintained without an unprecedented eight-country travel ban."

More here


  1. Neither can it be proven that national security can be maintained (at a heightened level) without the travel ban.

  2. Those judges should be tried for treason!

  3. The Trump administration should just ignore these judges and let it go to the supreme court

  4. If the Judges blocked anything Obama did he would have gone ahead and done it and nothing would happen.

    Numerous law suits against Obama to prove his Presidential eligibility and he ignored every single court order and nothing happened.

    Many of us still think he is an illegal Muslim from Kenya who duped you dumb idiots.


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