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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Joint Chiefs chairman: 'We owe the families' answers on what happened in Niger

The nation's top general said the military must explain to the nation and the families of the fallen what the services are doing in Africa and what led to the ambush that killed four U.S. soldiers in Niger on Oct. 4.

"We owe the families as much information as we can find out about what happened, and we owe the American people an explanation of what their men and women were doing at this particular time," Gen. Joseph Dunford, Joint Chiefs chairman, told reporters on Monday. "When I say that I mean men and women in harm's way anywhere in the world. They should know what the mission is and what we're trying to accomplish when we're there."

Read the full story here.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, secret missions are that... secret. You tell Congress and it gets public. These Congressmen have such inflated egos that they feel they deserve to know what the military is doing at all times? Maybe this is the reason those service men died.
    Yes, Let's announce our missions ahead of time. Congress is full of crap.


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