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Friday, October 27, 2017

John McCain Won't Say Whether He Knew He Was Handing Clinton-Funded Russia Dossier to FBI

PHILADELPHIA — Sen. John McCain may find himself facing serious questions following the disclosure that the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research utilized in the infamous, largely discredited 35-page dossier on President Donald Trump.

In December, it was McCain who notoriously passed the controversial dossier documents produced by the Washington opposition research firm Fusion GPS to then FBI Director James Comey, whose agency reportedly utilized the dossier as some of the basis for its probe into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

McCain’s office did not immediately respond to Breitbart News phone and email requests for comment about whether the Arizona senator was aware that the research he passed to the FBI was paid for by the DNC and Clinton’s campaign.

McCain’s office also did not immediately respond to a request for information on how he first obtained the dossier.



  1. Yeah, plead the 5th, John. Don't worry, we'll get the evidence without your help...

  2. His excuse, the tumor.

  3. Go home and hide there old man.


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