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Saturday, October 28, 2017

JFK Release: Second Shooter, UK Tipoff, CIA Media Infiltration, and LBJ Fingered In Coup

While yesterday’s pre-planned release of JFK files was significantly neutered at the request of the CIA and FBI, enraging Lou Dobbs among others, the 2800+ files which were released have been poured over extensively, revealing evidence of a second shooter, a massive CIA infiltration of the MSM, a tipoff phone call received 25 minutes before the assassination, and Soviet intelligence indicating the assassination was a coup involving LBJ among other things. 
Summary of findings so far: 
Two shooters, one escaped: 
J. Edgar Hoover's comments suggest Oswald wasn't a shooter: 
The evening of the assassination, J. Edgar Hoover told Lyndon Johnson’s aide, Walter Jenkins, “The thing I am concerned about, and so is Mr. Katsenbach, is having something issued so we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin.


  1. "...so we can CONVINCE (emphasis mine) the public...."

    The CIA killed him and even his wife said that.
    They lied to Congress and perjured themselves under oath (!!). WHY?
    Cue the cheerleaders!

  2. Kinda makes all these mass shootings look like a cake walk compared to assassinating a Pres....what about all those clinton bodybags


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