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Monday, October 23, 2017

"It's Very Common": Baltimore Teacher Admits To Passing Students That Never Showed For A Single Day Of Class

Teaching can be a thankless job. Talk to almost any educator in the public school system and you're bound to get a earful about grueling hours, disrespectful kids, infuriating bureaucracy and minimal pay. As such, it looks increasingly like the teachers in Baltimore's public schools have decided to just stop teaching altogether and pass every student that walks through their doors.

In the latest installment of a growing scandal revealed by "Project Baltimore", an investigative reporting initiative launched by Sinclair Broadcast group in March 2017 to examine Baltimore's public school system, a teacher at Calverton Elementary/Middle in west Baltimore has come forward with proof that grade changing is not only common in his school district but explicitly encouraged by senior administrators.

According to Fox45, below is the end of year text message that Calverton teachers received their principal, Martia Cooper, instructing them to "please double check end of the year averages and make sure they are 60 and above." The message went on to say that any "averages below 60" should be "corrected" so that failing students could be pushed through the system.

“Good Morning people! (Secretary) is printing report cards so finally you can get cumes finished. Please double check end of year averages and make sure they are 60 and above, except our four retention candidates (2 elem and 2 grade 7). If you find any grade averages below 60, pkesss (sic) have (secretary) correct and give me a copy of those student names.Thanks!”



  1. The teachers should be thrown in jail for fraud!


  2. Certainly sheds some light on the exacting scholastic background ex-Super 'Dr. Nowledge' brought with her from Harm City during her sojourn here.

  3. Baltimore's rulers are out of control. The mayor there recently proposed free college for inner city youth as a way to keep them off the streets. If the kids can't pass high school, how does anyone expect them to perform different in (free) college. Further, just yesterday, there was a story in the Sun about the City's Tech Incubators.

  4. Dumbing down the welfare crowd .

  5. That's why we have low info voters.

  6. The Democrats' Plantation is much easier to oversee when the slaves are kept ignorant and needy.
    Every election cycle the so-called leaders harp on the same problems and make the same promises. The problems invariably get worse and the promises are never, ever kept.

  7. Same is being looked into in Prince George's and Montgomery Counties. Oh my, isn't the Prince George's county exec running for governor? What a true joke!

  8. She was smart, because if she did not pass them, THE BABY MOMMAS would have stalked her and beat her up.....its a black thing, you would not understand!

  9. "Anonymous said...

    Baltimore's rulers are out of control. The mayor there recently proposed free college for inner city youth as a way to keep them off the streets. If the kids can't pass high school, how does anyone expect them to perform different in (free) college. Further, just yesterday, there was a story in the Sun about the City's Tech Incubators.

    October 23, 2017 at 5:21 PM"

    They will just lower the standards for college AGAIN. As it stand now a degree from a public university is useless unless you want to go to work for the government at some lower level position.

  10. 6:08 is exactly right but they must love being kept in chains. They must love living worse then animals in the ghettos and Projects and must take great pleasure in seeing their youth slaughtering each other. If they didn't love their lives the way they are they wouldn't be voting democrat. That's is it in a nutshell. They are perfectly content living as second class citizen peons.

  11. They always know how to cheat their way through anything.

  12. This is typical of public schools. That is why we have so many illiterate kids graduating. They can't even write their name or do a simple math problem. And the liberals want to send them to college for free just because of their race.That is why they can't get a job. Not because they don't have a college degree. It's because they can't read or write and are basically totally illiterate.

  13. This is where we get our politicians from too. And cops. And the guy who changes your oil and tires. Or serves you fast food.

    But I bet they can tell you every lyric to every rap song there is. Or how much sneakers cost.

  14. I've been saying this for years. They pass students who cannot pass the exams. Diplomas are given out like candy. Some students work hard for their diplomas, and some are just plain lazy and will not work for them. Yet they believe they have every right to one. Now you know why so many people out there are dumb as clams. Look at some in the Congress. One thinks an island could tip over if it had too many people on one end of the island. Then there is Maxine Waters, and Fredrica Wilson. Two classic examples of idiots. My bet is they never earned any diploma either. And how about the wife of the fallen soldier, La David Johnson. Now she is a real winner. Her face even tells you she is ignorant. Using her husbands death to attack Trump. Shameful. They get WAY TOO many freebies. This needs to stop.


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